Special values

In addition to using numbers and text in the Value field, you can use special values.

Some special values can be followed by a + or - and a whole number. For example, $$TODAY$$+1 is tomorrow, $$THISWEEK$$-1 is last week, and $$THISYEAR$$+5 is five years after the current year. The following table lists and describes the special values:

Table 1. Special values that can be followed by a + or a -.
Value Description
$$TODAY$$ Used to compare a date to the current date. For example, if you do not want to show training courses that were in the past, specify: General::Start Date After $$TODAY$$
$$THISWEEK$$ Used to compare a date to the current week. For example, to see training courses that start in the current week, specify:

General::Start Date Equals $$THISWEEK$$

$$THISMONTH$$ Used to compare a date to the current month.
$$THISYEAR$$ Used to compare a date to the current year.

The following table lists and describes other special values:

Table 2. Special Values
Value Description
$$RUNTIME$$ The $$RUNTIME$$ special value allows the user to specify a value for the filter when the report is run. If the user does not specify a value, the filter is ignored.

The $$RUNTIME$$ special value works well with most data types and comparison operators. However, for text data, the $$RUNTIME$$ special value works with the Contains operator.

Instead of using the $$RUNTIME$$ special value, you can identify fields for user input by selecting the User check box in the Filters tab.

$$USERID$$ The $$USERID$$ special value is a valid field filter in queries. A record passes the filter if it represents the current user.
$$USERID::SectionName::FieldName$$ The $$USERID::SectionName::FieldName$$ special value is a valid filter in queries. Setting the Value field to the $$USERID::SectionName::FieldName$$ special value indicates that a value is compared with the field name FieldName in the SectionName section of the record of the current user.
$$PERSONID$$ The $$PERSONID$$ special value is a valid field filter in queries. When the $$PERSONID$$ special value is used, it resolves to the smart object ID of the person that is associated to the current user. If the current user is not associated to a person, an error is displayed.

Similar to the $$USERID$$ special value, it supports section and field access. The following example is a valid notation to resolve the first name of the current person: $$PERSONID::Detail::triFirstNameTX$$.

$$PARENT::SectionName$$ The $$PARENT::SectionName$$ special value is a valid field filter in queries. Setting the Value field to the $$PARENT::SectionName$$ special value indicates that a value is compared with the SectionName section of the record that contains the query section or smart section.
$$PARENT::SectionName ::FieldName$$ You can indicate a filter that compares a value in the record that is filtered with a value in the record that contains the smart section.

To indicate that a value is compared with the FieldName field in the SectionName section of the record that contains the query section or smart section, use the following value field: $$PARENT::SectionName::FieldName$$.

When the value of the $$PARENT special value is empty, it resolves to an IS NULL criteria.