Agent administration

Agents perform background processes, such as cleaning up data, running workflows, and calculating formulas. You can manage and configure your agents in the Agent Manager object of the Administrator Console.

Multiple instances of the Workflow Agent and the Data Import Agent can run on the IBM® TRIRIGA® database. All other agents are single-instance agents, and problems can occur if more than one instance of a single-instance agent runs simultaneously.

Do not do data loading or integrations when the Cleanup Agent is running. The Cleanup Agent can throw deadlocks if hierarchy data is being imported while it is running

The Agent Manager identifies the agents that are currently running on all servers. You can request any running agent to stop, or you can start an agent on any active server. If you do not specify a server when you start an agent, the agent is started on the server that you are signed on to. To start an agent on the next available server, in the Start On column for the agent, enter <ANY>.

If an agent is running when the server goes down, the agent starts automatically when the server is restarted.

The LICENSE_METRIC table records the number of concurrent users for each product license. You can check tables by using the Database Query object of the Administrator Console. The LICENSE_METRIC table takes a snapshot every 10 minutes. The amount of data in the table is normally small. If you want to trim the table, consult your security administrator about your information retention policy.