Preview BIRT reports

You preview reports by using Run > View Report in the BIRT Report Designer. In the BIRT application, you set values in the IBM® TRIRIGA® BIRT Preferences section to pass context from IBM TRIRIGA to a BIRT report during preview execution. You set the preference values when you specify the connection information to the IBM TRIRIGA server.

You can pass the following types of context:

Current user
Set when you specify the IBM TRIRIGA app server, user name, and password field values.
Active project
Set when you specify the record ID of a project. The active project causes the preview to simulate execution within the context of the specified capital project.
Input parameters
Prompted by the BIRT application. When you preview the report, the BIRT application prompts you for any input parameters that are defined on the report. Those values also serve as context to the report execution.