Importing starter reports into BIRT

You import starter reports from IBM® TRIRIGA® into the BIRT Report Designer.

About this task

If your compressed file extraction tool allows it, you can open the .zip file and in the BIRT Report Designer Navigator pane, drag the files into a report project.


  1. In BIRT, select File > New > Project.
  2. In the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools folder, select Report Project > Next.
  3. Specify the name of the project and select Finish.
  4. In the Report Design window, select the Navigator tab, right-click the project, and select Import.
  5. In the import wizard, select General > Archive File.
  6. Select the compressed file that you downloaded when you created a starter report in IBM TRIRIGA and select Finish.
  7. Verify that the starter report shows in the Navigator tab.