Field types

Certain field types can be used with Data Integrator, and only with the accepted field formatting of the record data. Failure to follow these guidelines results in a partially successful or a failed upload of the records.

If a field type does not have an example in the table, it indicates that the field type is not supported by Data Integrator. Refer to the comments for the reason.

Table 1. Record field types
Field type Suffix Use Import format Example Comments
Action Button AB An onscreen image that is used as a clickable button.     Not for use with Data Integrator. Defined in the Form Builder only. Modification required.
Boolean BL Used to contain a value that is either TRUE or FALSE.

FALSE = not selected

TRUE = selected

triReservableBL = TRUE  
Business Object BO Used to associate a Location, Organization, or Geography with a record.  

BOTypeName (Business Object Type)

FullPath (Full Path)

RecordName (Record Name)

SysModifiedDateTime (Update Time)

Not for use with Data Integrator. System-generated by workflow.
Classification CL Used to contain a value that is selected from a defined hierarchy of values. Exact spelling and case. A new classification object requires a hierarchical upload. Hierarchical Module. Requires Header File to contain: Parent = \Classifications and full path of child Classification. Do not end the path with a slash (\).
Classification Rollup CR Used for rolling up sums by classification.     Not for use with Data Integrator. Populated by the system either by workflow or by the Rollup action.
Color CO Used to contain a color. Color value with exact spelling and case.   Enter color values with a number sign (#) followed by the hexadecimal value for the color. For example, black is #000000.
Control Number CN Used to generate and contain unique ID numbers.    

Control Numbers are populated by the system on Publish or Create, based on criteria that are specified on the business object’s Publish tab.

Not required if the Control Number field is auto-populated by workflow or set to populate by default.

Date DA Used to contain a date. Default date format. triStartDateDA = 01/01/2006  
Date and Time DT Used to contain a date and time combination. Long integer in milliseconds. triDateDT representing 08/21/2006 15:30:00 = 1156199400000  
Duration DU Used to contain the length of a time interval. Described as #Years#Months#Weeks#Days#Hours#Minutes#Seconds.

Expressed in the following format:

8.x - use #w#d#h#m#s

9.x – use #y#M#w#d#h#m#s

10.x – use #y#M#w#d#h#m#s

cstDurationDU representing 5 days, 6 hours, and 30 minutes = 5d6h30m0s The formats for 8.x, 9.x and 10.x are different. Be sure to adopt the proper format for your system.
Financial Rollup FR Used to contain totals from other fields that are involved in financial transactions.     Not for use with Data Integrator. Populated by the system either by workflow or by the Rollup action.
Image IM Used to contain an image.   triImageIM = //Company-1 /fileMyImageName.jpg

All images must exist in [root install folder]/userfiles/images folder before the upload starts. Image paths down to the file names must match exactly.

All image file names must begin with "file" to display properly.

Label Only LA Used to specify a label with no corresponding field.     Not for import. Defined in Form Builder only. Modification required.
List LI Used to select a value from a list of values. Exact spelling and case. triMonthLI = December  
Note NO Used to contain arbitrary length formatted text.     Note fields are not supported by Data Integrator.
Number NU Used to contain numbers. Straight numeral with decimal place setting, as necessary. triGrossMeasuredNU = 12000.5 No commas, $, or other formatting is required, unless decimals exist.
Password PA Used to contain text value that can be modified but not displayed in a user interface. Alphanumeric text.   Encrypted.
System Read Only SY Used to access information about a record and the business object that is used to create it. Populated by IBM® TRIRIGA® system workflows. Not required to be imported.    
Text TX Used to contain text values. Straight text. The only limitation is the character limit of the business object’s field. If 30 characters are uploaded to a 20 character field, 10 characters are truncated.  
Time TI Used to contain a time of day. Upload as long integer in milliseconds. triStartTimeTI representing 9:30:35 PM = 77435000  
UOM UO Used to associate a unit of measure to a field or business object. Exact spelling and case.    
URL UR Used to contain a URL. Full directory path, including http, ftp, or \\.    
System Tab::Record Information Section        

Generally, these fields are populated by workflows. There is a risk of creating a workflow loop by uploading data into these fields, which is why they are read-only in many areas.

Some examples include the following fields:

LocationName (Graphics Location)

OrgName (Organization Name)

GeographyName (Geography Name)

Locator Field   A field reference to another business object record. Requires full path for hierarchical records or the value that is displayed in the field.   Might require an associative upload if the name displayed is not unique in the result set of the query that is used by the locator field.

Publish names

In the Data Modeler, in the BO Mapping tool, the Mapping Properties indicate which fields contain the Publish Name for a record that is created from the business object. The first 100 characters of the combination of field values in a Publish Name uniquely identify the record among all records that are created from the same business object. Tab-delimited files to be processed by Data Integrator must include fields to provide unique values for the Publish Name fields. If the field values for a Publish Name are provided for an existing record, Data Integrator updates the existing record with the additional field values provided in the uploaded file.

If an uploaded tab-delimited file does not provide unique Publish Names, Data Integrator might fail to create a record. Otherwise, it might create a record when it was supposed to update a record, or it might update the wrong record. It is also possible that the first 100 characters from a tab-delimited file might match a record name, but after the first 100 characters, the record name might not match. In this case, the record is rejected and no update or create occurs.

Number fields

Fields that are tied to the sums in multiple-record smart sections specify that the fields in the smart-section field list must be summed. Fields are created in the General section of the business object that is auto-populated with the selected sums from the field list. IBM TRIRIGA uses these fields in some business objects for summary sections and reports. They are Number fields.

The Unit of Measure value for Number fields is controlled at the business object level. You get the default value that is defined in the Data Modeler for that business object.

Control number fields

Data Integrator cannot handle updates to records for business objects with Publish Names that include a control number field with the Generate on Create check box selected. In this scenario, Data Integrator is unable to determine that a record from an upload file exists, causing new records to be created each time that the file is uploaded.