
Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully.

By using the accessibility features in the product, users can take the following actions:
  • Use assistive technologies, such as screen reader software and digital speech synthesizers to hear what is displayed on the screen. For details on using the technologies with this product, consult the product documentation for the assistive technology.
  • Move through all levels of the menus by using only the keyboard.
  • Perform tasks with the software by using only the keyboard.
  • Use JAWS screen reader software to move through the tabular data in a report by using the standard JAWS screen reader keystrokes.

Enabling accessibility mode

To activate the accessibility feature, in the Accessibility section of the My Profile page in an employee record, select Enable Accessibility Mode. When the accessibility mode is enabled, metric reports are displayed in tabular format by default. The user can switch to chart format. In the Schedule tab of a capital project record, the Schedule Assumptions section is not displayed, but the same information is available in a Schedule Assumptions tab.

Enabling skip navigation

To enable the Skip Navigation link for portals and forms, in the Accessibility section of the My Profile page in an employee record, select Enable Skip Navigation. When Skip Navigation is enabled, pressing Enter at the Skip Navigation link takes the user directly to the main content area of the page without the need to tab through all the remaining links and menu items first.

Page content elements

Pages can contain any of the following content elements:
  • Portals
  • Portal sections
  • Menus
  • Forms
  • Form sections

Portal landmarks

Each portal has ARIA landmarks that are used by screen reader software to provide a navigation hierarchy. Users can move to different areas in the open portal by using the hierarchy. In a portal, the landmarks are grouped into the following main regions:

Includes site map navigation and project navigation:

Site Map Navigation includes the Welcome user, Skip Navigation, Sign Out, Support, and Help links.
Project Navigation includes the Company and Project toggle buttons and the project selector button, which is a magnifying glass. Project navigation areas also include the Home, Company Data, and Project links.
Includes the menu levels, breadcrumbs, and portal toolbar. The navigation landmarks vary depending on where the user is in IBM® TRIRIGA®.
Includes the sections in the open portal. Can also include the My Bookmarks region, which includes the Bookmark Folders region and the Bookmarks region. The navigation landmarks vary depending on where the user is in IBM TRIRIGA.
Add Bookmark
Includes the Actions Navigation region.
Move Bookmark
Includes the Actions Navigation region.

Form landmarks

Each form has ARIA landmarks that are used by screen reader software to provide a navigation hierarchy. Users can move through different areas in the open form by using the hierarchy. In a form, the landmarks are grouped into the following main regions:
Includes the Skip Navigation, Add To Bookmarks, Print, and Help links.
Includes the tabs that are available in the open form, such as General, Scope, Schedule, and Budget.
Top Actions
Includes the actions that can be used in the open form, such as Activate, Calculate, and Save.
Tab Content
Includes the sections in the open form. This region typically includes an Instruction area that describes the purpose of the form.

Report landmarks

Each report has ARIA landmarks that are used by screen reader software to provide a navigation hierarchy. Users can move to different areas in the open report by using the hierarchy. In a report, the landmarks are grouped into the following main regions:
Includes the common actions that the user can take for the report, such as OK, Export, or Cancel.
Includes page information and page and report actions. This region can include the previous and next arrows, current page, total number of pages, and number of records on a page. This region can also include the Export action, Apply Filters action, and Clear Filters action.
Includes the columns that the report results can be filtered by, such as ID, Date, Name, and Status.
Includes the rows of report results.

Known limitations

Accessibility is not supported in our application builder tools, such as Data Modeler, Form Builder, and Workflow Builder.

IBM and accessibility

For more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility, see the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center at the following web address: