Publication of language tables

When you publish a business object, the language table is given a similar name to the main table, but with an L_ prefix instead of a T_ prefix. For example, if the main table is T_TRIAREATYPE, the language table is L_TRIAREATYPE.

The field or column names in the language table are the same as the fields or columns in the corresponding main table, which is shown in the following graphic:

Figure 1. Example of a main table that is mapped to a language table for a business object
Example of a main table that is mapped to language table for business object. The main table is T_TRIAREATYPE and the language table is L_TRIAREATYPE. The TRINAMETX and TRIDESCRIPTIONTX columns in the main table are mapped to the same columns in the language table. The language table has extra columns for the language ID, the specification name, and the system path.

Language tables are also created for smart sections that do not contain live links. For example, if the triTask business object has a smart section that is named triFacilitiesProject, the following language table is created:

Figure 2. Example of a main table that is mapped to a language table for a smart section
Example of a main table that is mapped to language table for smart section. The main table is T_TRITASK_TRIFACILITIESPROJECT and the language table is L_TRITASK_TRIFACILITIESPROJECT. The TRINAMETX column in the main table is mapped to the same column in the language table. The language table has an extra column for the language ID.

Language values for note fields are stored in the static database table that is named L_IBS_SPEC_VALUE_NOTES. The localizable property is also supported in the Object Migration (OM) tool.