Exporting workflows as text
A workflow can be exported to a text file. This text file contains a text-based model of the workflow logic. You can export a workflow before you include it in a migration package, or before you import a migration package that contains a workflow.
About this task
You might find it useful to export a workflow that is contained in a migration package to examine it before you decide to import it. You might want to compare a workflow that is contained in a migration package with another version of the same workflow by using a comparison tool to identify differences between versions.
- Upload the Object Migration package that contains the workflow into the target platform environment.
- Validate the objects that are to be migrated.
- Select one or more workflows in the Workflow panel and click Text Export Selected.
- Save the file to the system.
Individual workflows are saved with a .cld file extension. If you select multiple workflows to export as text, the workflows are saved in a .zip file. The .zip file includes a folder hierarchy that is based on the object structure of the workflow. The hierarchy includes the workflow module and business object, if defined.
- Use a text editor to examine the exported workflow and verify that it should be imported as part of the migration package.
- Import the migrated objects into the target environment.