Portfolio sample data
TRIRIGA® provides data load set and integration object portfolio sample data for use in the Data Load Manager.
The following table provides details about the available data load set and integration object portfolio sample data:
Data load set name | Data type | Integration object name |
Geography | World Regions | DC - Geography - triWorldRegion |
Countries | DC - Geography - triCountry | |
States | DC - Geography - triState | |
Regions | DC - Geography - triRegion | |
Metropolitan Areas | DC - Geography - triMetropolitanArea | |
Counties | DC - Geography - triCounty | |
Cities | DC - Geography - triCity | |
Location | Property | DC - Location - triProperty |
Buildings | DC - Location - triBuilding | |
Land | DC - Location - triLand | |
Floors | DC - Location - triFloor | |
Space | DC - Location - triSpace | |
Organization | My Company | DC - Organization - triMyCompany |
Divisions | DC - Organization - triDivision | |
Departments | DC - Organization - triDepartment | |
External Companies | DC - Organization - triExternalCompany | |
Workgroups | DC - Organization - triWorkGroup | |
People | Employees | DC - triPeople - triEmployee |
Consultants | DC - triPeople - triConsultant | |
External Contacts | DC - triPeople - triExternalContact | |
Specification | Building Equipment | DC - triSpecification - triBuildingEquipmentSpec |
Consumables | DC - triSpecification - triConsumablesSpec | |
Fixtures | DC - triSpecification - triFixtureSpec | |
Food Service Equipment | DC - triSpecification - triFoodServiceEquipmentSpec | |
Furniture | DC - triSpecification - triFurnitureSpec | |
Office Equipment | DC - triSpecification - triOfficeEquipmentSpec | |
Point of Sale Equipment | DC - triSpecification - triPointofSaleEquipmentSpec | |
Security | DC - triSpecification - triSecurityEquipmentSpec | |
Services | DC - triSpecification - triServicesSpec | |
Space Standards | DC - triSpecification - triSpaceStandardSpec | |
Technology | DC - triSpecification - triTechnologyAssetsSpec | |
Telephones | DC - triSpecification - triTelephoneSpec | |
Tools & Test Equipment | DC - triSpecification - triToolsandTestEquipmentSpec | |
Vehicles | DC - triSpecification - triVehicleSpec | |
Work Area Outlets | DC - triSpecification - triWorkAreaOutletsSpec | |
Asset | Building Equipment | DC - triAsset - triBuildingEquipment |
Fixtures | DC - triAsset - triFixture | |
Food Service Equipment | DC - triAsset - triFoodServiceEquipment | |
Furniture | DC - triAsset - triFurniture | |
Office Equipment | DC - triAsset - triOfficeEquipment | |
Point of Sale Equipment | DC - triAsset - triPointofSaleEquipment | |
Security | DC - triAsset - triSecurityEquipment | |
Technology | DC - triAsset - triTechnologyAssets | |
Telephones | DC - triAsset - triTelephones | |
Tools & Test Equipment | DC - triAsset - triToolsandTestEquipment | |
Vehicles | DC - triAsset - triVehicles | |
Work Area Outlets | DC - triAsset - triWorkAreaOutlets | |
Space Management Associations | Association | DC - Association - triSpaceAllocation - triSpaceLevelAllocation - Allocates – Locators |
Association | DC - Association - triPeople - triEmployee - Has Primary Location \ Primary Organization - SmartSection | |
Association | DC - Association - Data Utilities - triPeopleReportsToDTO - Reports To - DTO |