Configuring the sample data

You can configure the sample data load sets and integration objects that are included with the product and use the Data Modeler to configure staging tables.

Before you begin

To ensure that the DataConnect Agent efficiently loads sample data from staging tables, the TRIRIGA® application server administrator can edit the file and set the property DATACONNECT_SLEEP_TIME = -10. Changing the property configures the DataConnect Agent to check for sample data every 10 seconds, the shortest interval supported.


  1. Go to Tools > Builder Tools > Data Modeler.
  2. Configure each integration object that you want to process.
    1. Select the associated business object.
    2. In the Data Modeler window, select Tools > Revise BO. Revise the associated business object by setting the Staging Table property to DataConnect and save the business object.
    3. From the Field List, identify and select business object fields that are to be added to or removed from the staging table. For each field, select or clear the Staging Table Field property and save the field.
    4. Select Tools > Publish BO within the Data Modeler window to publish the business object and to create or modify the staging table.