License files
IBM® TRIRIGA® controls the usage of its various products with license files. Starting with IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.2, IBM TRIRIGA distributes a separate license for each product.
Each license file grants access to its respective functions when it is assigned to a user. The license files by themselves do not enforce license count restrictions. Each license is governed by its respective software license agreement. The license file names are in the format LICENSE_IBM_TRIRIGA_[productname].properties; for example,
The IBM TRIRIGA License Matrix is delivered in the software. It is available at . The License Manager includes a List View and a Matrix View. This Matrix View is also known as the License Matrix.
The license matrix is IBM PROPRIETARY and CONFIDENTIAL and its disclosure to you shall be governed by the terms of the IBM Agreement for the Exchange of Confidential Information, or the applicable confidentiality agreement signed between IBM and your company. IBM TRIRIGA is providing the license matrix as a courtesy to you under the condition that you treat the information with the utmost confidence. Under no circumstances may you distribute or allow use of the license matrix outside of your organization without first obtaining IBM's express written consent. The license matrix should not be construed as a definitive list of functionality licensed by the you; it is simply a proxy for the limited functionality that you have actually licensed, but your actual licenses are set forth in separate agreements between IBM and your company. The license matrix is provided for informational purposes only without warranty of any kind, does not contain contractual obligations, does not constitute a software, product or services warranty, and is subject to change without notice.