Variables passed to Kettle
All variables that are passed to Kettle are of type String. Number variables are converted by the custom workflow task to type String. The TRIRIGA® field types that are supported in Kettle are Text, Boolean, Date, Date and Time, Locators, and Numbers.
Field name | Field label | Field type |
triActiveEndDA | Active End Date | Date |
triActiveStartDA | Active Start Date | Date |
triBONamesTX | BO Names | Text |
triControlNumberCN | Control Number | Control Number |
triCreatedByTX | Created By | Text |
triLocator | triLocator | Text |
triModuleNamesTX | Module Names | Text |
triNameTX | Name | Text |
triTransformBI | Transform File | Binary |
Variable that is passed to Kettle | Description |
triNameTX | (Text) |
triActiveStartDA | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014 |
triActiveStartDA_DATE | (Date) wrapped if Oracle or DB2, time is whatever it was on the attribute |
triActiveStartDA_MinDATE | (Date) wrapped if Oracle or DB2, time is 00:00:00 |
triActiveStartDA_MaxDATE | (Date) wrapped if Oracle or DB2, time is 23:59:59 |
triActiveStartDA_Min | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014, time is 00:00:00 |
triActiveStartDA_Max | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014, time is 23:59:59 |
triActiveEndDA | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014 |
triActiveEndDA_DATE | (Date) wrapped if Oracle or DB2, time is whatever it was on the attribute |
triActiveEndDA_MinDATE | (Date) wrapped if Oracle or DB2, time is 00:00:00 |
triActiveEndDA_MaxDATE | (Date) wrapped if Oracle or DB2, time is 23:59:59 |
triActiveEndDA_Min | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014, time is 00:00:00 |
triActiveEndDA_Max | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014, time is 23:59:59 |
triActiveEndDA | (Number) date in milliseconds since January 1, 2014 |
triCreatedByTX | (Text) |
triRunDATE | (Number) Run Date set by Custom workflow task |
triLocator | (Text – Locator) is a locator field that contains a reference to another business object. This variable contains the text value of that record’s field |
triLocator_IBS_SPEC | (Text - Locator) contains the spec_id of the record in the triLocator field. You can use this spec_id to find information related that record through other database tables |
triControlNumberCN and triTransformBI are not passed to Kettle.
Important: Things to remember
about variables:
- There are six variables for each Date, and Date and Time, type field. TRIRIGA wraps the value and hands it to Kettle in six different formats.
- Variables in Kettle are all strings. If you need a variable to be a number in the script, you need to use a conversion. You can set a number field like, for example, TRICREATEDDA, with a variable like, for example, triRunDATE. Kettle does some implicit conversions, but if you want to do any calculations with a variable, you must first convert the variable to a number.
- For dates, you must use the correct representation. For example, you cannot include spec.UPDATED_DATE >= ${triCreatedDA} in your selection. spec.UPDATED_DATE is a date while triCreatedDA is a number. The results are inaccurate or the SQL fails.
- The attribute types supported to pass to Kettle are limited to Text, Boolean, Date, Date and Time, and Numbers. All other TRIRIGA data types are skipped (except Locators).
- For Locator fields, two variables are created, one for the text of the Locator and the other for the SPEC_ID of the linked record. You can use the SPEC_ID to find information that is related to that record through other database tables.