Overview of the TRIRIGA Data Integrator process
The IBM® TRIRIGA Data Integrator tool is used to import data into your business objects without writing technical scripts. Record data can come from any source, such as a database, a Microsoft Excel file, or an external system. Regardless of the data source, Data Integrator accepts files only in tab-delimited format, in a .txt file.
The Data Integrator tool gives you the ability to capture and upload groups of records into IBM TRIRIGA without manually entering each record one at a time. Importing a preexisting database saves time and avoids the data integrity and quality issues inherent in manually keying records.
Data Integrator always imports data into the IBM TRIRIGA base language tables. The import of translated data into the localized tables is not supported.
Data Integrator can create associations between two records. The parent record must exist in the system before you can create an association. The way that you design the modules in the IBM TRIRIGA system determines what data you can import and associate together.
Data Integrator can also be used to do mass updates of existing records. To update the value of a business object across multiple existing records, you can use Data Integrator to alter the field values in bulk. This method avoids interacting with the user interface to update each record individually.
With all Data Integrator uploads, a notification is sent to the user who initiated the upload. The notification informs them of the success of the upload or that errors occurred. To receive a notification, the user must have the Notifications portal section in their Home Portal.
There are a few system policies to ensure that your data is properly imported. The first row of your tab-delimited file (.txt) or the Header File must contain a column for each field name in the business object where you are importing or updating data. To facilitate creating the Header File, Data Integrator has a built-in tool for creating a file that is compatible with Microsoft Excel which contains the field names in the first row. This Header File becomes the upload template into which all records are entered.