Types of installation

Before you install the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform, determine the installation path that applies to your particular implementation. Although there are several installation paths, they follow the same general installation process. These installation types refer to full installation. Full installations install and configure all key components for IBM TRIRIGA, including the application server and database.

Installation preparation

Before you begin a full installation, prepare the following access and information:
  • For Oracle Database, the system identification (SID) or database instance name
  • For Microsoft SQL Server, the database name
  • For IBM DB2®, the instance port and database name
  • For existing databases, the database instance login information
  • Server name and IP address of the database server
  • Server name of the process server

The process of installing IBM TRIRIGA is the same regardless of the level of security that is applied to your environment. After installation, you can secure your environments according to your business requirements. For instance, security considerations might include securing client communication and restricting access to servers.

Full installation process

A full installation process includes installing the key components and configurations necessary for the IBM TRIRIGA platform and applications to operate:
  1. Before running the TRIRIGA installer:
    • Before running the installer, if you choose WebSphere® Application Server, you must install and configure that application server. If you choose WebSphere Application Server Liberty, this step is not necessary.
    • Before running the installer, you must install the database server, know the database connection details, and possibly the administrator login credentials. Depending on the database type, you might be able to have the TRIRIGA installer configure some of the database instance details during the installation, instead of you having to configure them manually beforehand.
  2. Select the TRIRIGA installer for your operating system.
  3. Select the installation location.
  4. Select a new or upgrade installation.
  5. Select, install, and configure the application server, unless the TRIRIGA installer is doing these for you (in the case of Liberty).
  6. Select and install the database server, and know the database connection details. Depending on the database type, you might be able to have the TRIRIGA installer configure some of the database instance details during the installation, instead of you having to configure them manually beforehand.
  7. Decide whether to configure the database instance, or have the TRIRIGA installer do it for you. Take care to configure anything necessary on the database side that TRIRIGA cannot configure for you, or that you do not want TRIRIGA to configure for you.
  8. Installation complete.