Graphics section layers

You can turn on and off layers for a graphics section drawing to show or hide the items in the drawing. For example, you can simplify your view of a drawing by hiding the layers that are not relevant to your current task.

When you open a graphics section drawing, the layers are shown or hidden depending on whether the layers were shown or hidden when the drawing was published. In the graphics section, you can select the layers that you want to show or hide in the drawing by using the Layer Manager.

On the Layer Configuration page, you can define layer filters to show layers, hide layers, exclude layers, or override the color of entity strokes in layers. These filters can be triggered by the layer name or on the entity count. You can also define layer filters to access layer data for layers that were hidden when the drawing was published. To add layer configurations, select Tools > Administration > Graphics > Layer Configuration. After you create a new layer configuration, save the draft, and select Activate. Layer configurations with a draft status do not apply.

IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform includes two layer configuration records that are active. These layer configuration records turn off reference file layers and any layer with an entity count greater than 1000.