Adding custom GIS portal sections

A GIS portal section points to an in-application web page that contains a GIS map. The GIS map is associated to a GIS map record that defines the data to render. A GIS portal section has a portal section type of External, where you specify the URL of the map.

About this task

You can use one of the following as-delivered GIS portal sections with the in-application web pages for reference:
  • triURL - GIS - Environmental Manager/Planner, or
  • triURL - GIS - Environmental Manager/Planner (US Govt)


  1. Configure a GIS map record. Define the extents, queries, basemaps, layers, and other map elements.
    For this example, the name of the map is My First Map.
  2. From the portal builder, create a new portal section with a portal section type of External.
  3. Enter the URL of the map.
    For this example, the URL is /html/en/default/rest/EsriJS?map=My First Map.
    The map parameter value of My First Map tells the map viewer to render that GIS map record.