Class loader development mode

In development mode, you can change files and see your changes by refreshing the page and without uploading files to the ClassLoader record.

Normally, when you modify, add, or remove a resource file from a ClassLoader record, a workflow runs that increments the revision number. A change to this revision number tells the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform to reload this ClassLoader record.

However, if you have access to the IBM TRIRIGA InstallationDirectory/userfiles/ClassLoaderName folder, you can select the Development Mode option in the ClassLoader record. When this option is selected, the class loader ignores the revision number and pulls the files from the InstallationDirectory/userfiles/ClassLoaderName folder instead.

The file types that you can change include web page (.html), JavaScript (.js), Adobe Flash, and images.

Attention: If you clear the Development Mode check box, the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform pulls the latest files from the ClassLoader record and can overwrite your work.