Installing IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform on WebSphere

After your application server and database server are prepared, you can begin to install the IBM® TRIRIGA® Application Platform with your Oracle Database export file.

Before you begin

Verify that the Oracle Database is running and that you have administrative authority on the database server.


  1. Run the installer file. Follow the installation instructions.
    1. For the installation type, select New Database ( required).
    2. For the database type, select Oracle.
  2. When you reach the database installation options, select the database action to create the schema. Clear all other options.
    1. Optional: If the table spaces do not exist, select the database action to create the table spaces.
  3. When you reach the pre-installation summary, click Install.
  4. Click Next.
    1. Optional: If you want to monitor the progress in the directory where IBM TRIRIGA is installed, you can open the ant.log file in a log monitoring utility.
      In Windows, you can run the WinTail utility. In UNIX, you can run the tail –f ant.log command.
  5. When the installation is complete, click Done.
  6. Import the Oracle Database .dmp export file.
    1. Locate the export file and run the import command.
      For example:
      imp system/manager fromuser=tridata touser=tridata 
       file=exp_tridata.dmp log=imp_tridata.log
    2. When the import is complete, note any warnings or errors that occurred.
  7. Review the ant.log file for errors.
    1. If an error is found, consult your implementation team on how to proceed.
    2. If no errors are found, delete the ant.log file.
  8. Run the installer file. Follow the installation instructions.
    1. For the installation type, select Existing Database.
    2. For the database type, select Oracle.
  9. When you reach the pre-installation summary, click Install.
  10. Click Next.
    1. Optional: If you want to monitor the progress in the directory where IBM TRIRIGA is installed, you can open the ant.log file in a log monitoring utility.
  11. When the installation is complete, click Done.
  12. Review the ant.log file for errors.
    1. If an error is found, consult your implementation team on how to proceed.
  13. Verify that your license files are in the tririga_root\config\licenses directory.
  14. Optional: If you made customizations that were saved in the userfiles directory, copy those files into the upgrade installation.
  15. Start IBM TRIRIGA by locating the application server directory with the appropriate method.

What to do next

Verify that your installation is running properly.