After your application server and database server are prepared,
you can begin to install the IBM®
TRIRIGA® Application Platform with your Oracle Database export file.
Before you begin
Verify that the Oracle Database is running and that you have administrative authority on the database
- Run the installer file. Follow the installation
- For the installation type, select New Database
( required).
- For the database type, select Oracle.
- When you reach the database installation
options, select the database action to create the schema. Clear all
other options.
- Optional: If the table spaces do not exist,
select the database action to create the table spaces.
- When you reach the pre-installation summary,
click Install.
- Click Next.
- Optional: If you want to monitor the progress
in the directory where IBM
TRIRIGA is installed, you can open the ant.log file
in a log monitoring utility.
In Windows, you can run the WinTail utility. In UNIX, you can run the tail –f ant.log command.
- When the installation is complete, click Done.
- Import the Oracle Database .dmp export file.
- Locate the export file and run the import command.
For example:
imp system/manager fromuser=tridata touser=tridata
file=exp_tridata.dmp log=imp_tridata.log
- When the import is complete, note any warnings or errors
that occurred.
- Review the ant.log file for errors.
- If an error is found, consult your implementation team
on how to proceed.
- If no errors are found, delete the ant.log file.
- Run the installer file. Follow the installation
- For the installation type, select Existing
- For the database type, select Oracle.
- When you reach the pre-installation summary,
click Install.
- Click Next.
- Optional: If you want to monitor the progress
in the directory where IBM
TRIRIGA is installed, you can open the ant.log file
in a log monitoring utility.
- When the installation is complete, click Done.
- Review the ant.log file for errors.
- If an error is found, consult your implementation team
on how to proceed.
- Verify that your license files are in the tririga_root\config\licenses directory.
- Optional: If you made customizations
that were saved in the userfiles directory, copy
those files into the upgrade installation.
- Start IBM
TRIRIGA by locating the application server directory with the appropriate
What to do next
Verify that your installation is
running properly.