Data Modeler error messages

The server.log file contains error messages that relate to the Data Modeler.

State does not exist in BO

Log Type: Exception Header
ERROR com.tririga.platform.metadata.MetadataNotFoundException: 
No state named '$$$' exists on this Business Object:
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A state is found in the metadata that was removed from the system.
Suggested action
In the Data Modeler, review the business object in question. Revise and republish the business object to synchronize the metadata.
The 'new' state was removed from the system and is now invalid.
No state named 'new' exists on this Business Object: 
[name=Test Module,id=21218]]

Years cannot be negative

Log Type: Exception Header
ERROR DurationException: Years cannot be negative.
Resolution area
Data Modeler
The end date is before the start date, or the end date is null.
Suggested action
Find the duration formula and look for the start date and end date values.
EXCEPTION com.tririga.architecture.util.DurationException:
Years cannot be negative.

Dependency of field not found

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN A dependency of this field could not be found:
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A formula on a business object is not properly stated.
Suggested action
Identify the business object and field, update the formula in Data Modeler, and republish the business object.
The formula for the triContractPaymentsNU field, on the triRealEstateContract business object, in the triContract module, does not evaluate.
A dependency of this field could not be found:
Business Object=BoImpl[name=triRealEstateContract,id=10002490,module=

Formula for field not parsed

Log Type: Exception Header
Applying default formula. Could not parse formula for field:
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A formula on a business object is not properly stated.
Suggested action
Identify the business object and field, update the formula in Data Modeler, and republish the business object.
The formula for the triFasbPVofRentNU field, on the triRealEstateContract business object, in the triContract module, does not evaluate.
Applying default formula. Could not parse formula for field:
=8],Business Object=BoImpl[name=triRealEstateContract,id=10002490,

Error getting field for SO

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Error getting field for SO - field not found.
Resolution area
Data Modeler or Form Builder
Fields cannot be loaded for a business object, because the field metadata does not exist. A business object has a defined field, but that field does not exist in the system.
Suggested action
Remove the field from the business object. Review all mappings and forms for that business object. Revise and republish the necessary objects.
The triCommunicationRecord business object has a cstMatchedSAMTX field that is invalid.
Error getting field for SO - field not found. 
Section='RecordInformation' Field='cstMatchedSAMTX' From SO ID='4895427' 
name='null' BO name='triCommunicationRecord' id=10004546, Module id=20820 

Error processing GUI metadata mapping

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Error processing GUI Metadata mapping.
Resolution area
Data Modeler or Form Builder
The Form field does not exist for a form mapping, or a form mapping references a field on a business object that does not exist.
Suggested action
To remove the field from the form mapping, revise and republish the form. If multiple forms exist for a business object, review the workflow and ensure that the business process is followed for the proper forms.
In the cstTicket - Synchronous - OnChange workflow, during the Do Not Require Steps to Reproduce task, the form is not updated because the Steps to Reproduce field does not exist.
Error processing GUI Metadata mapping. WFTaskStepImpl.WFTaskStepRO[137224,
Do Not Require Steps to Reproduce,Modify Metadata,23,
- Synchronous - OnChange Type]]. MapEntryBase[mapId=137224,wfTemplateId=
guiFieldName=Steps to Reproduce,propertyValue=false,taskMapData=<null>,
initialized=true]. Caused by: com.tririga.platform.metadata.
MetadataException: No field id found with name: Steps to Reproduce. 
Section: General Tab: NewGeneral GUI Name: HelpDeskTicket[MID-1004518520]

Failed to obtain metric category

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Failed to obtain a list of triMetricCategory from application metadata 
repository. This error indicates the platform version is ahead of the appli
cation version. The system is expecting the new metadata structure that does
 not exist in the current application version.
Resolution area
Data Modeler
The Report Manager can run metric reports, but the application does not include the business objects that are required to support the functionality.
Suggested action
When you want to implement IBM® TRIRIGA® Workplace Performance Management, upgrade the application to 9.6 or higher. If you are not using IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management, this warning can be ignored.
Failed to obtain a list of triMetricCategory from application metadata 
repository. This error indicates the platform version is ahead of the 
application version. The system is expecting the new metadata structure 
that does not exist in the current application version.[MID-2565267038]

Conflict of object names

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Name of object being saved conflicts with existing object. Name: ''.
Resolution area
Data Modeler
The user attempted to save a record that has the same unique name as an existing record.
Suggested action
Identify the business object with conflicts and validate the unique identifier that is used for the mapped name is valid. If not, update the mapped name and republished the business object. This update does not change the names of existing records. Review the workflows that create records for the business object and ensure that the proper data is mapped into the create task for the record to be uniquely identified when the record is created.
A record for the cstBidDocument business object in the Bid module is saved with the name ’’.
Name of object being saved conflicts with existing object. Name: ''. 
Existing object: SmartObjectImpl[ID=10650471,Business 
module=ModuleImpl[name=Bid,id=35]]] New object being saved: 
SmartObjectImpl[ID=13120040,Business Object=BoImpl[name=cstBidDocument,

No business object mapping found

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN No BO Mapping (IBS_SPEC_TYPE_FIELD_MAP) found for BO:
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A business object is defined but might not be in a valid published state.
Suggested action
Identify and republish the business object.
No BO Mapping (IBS_SPEC_TYPE_FIELD_MAP) found for BO: 
BoImpl[name=Inbox Folder,id=103516,module=ModuleImpl[name=Mail,id=17]] 
This is typically required in order for a BO to be published.

Not adding field to section

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Not adding field with name '$$$' to section :
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A business object has a field that is not linked with a database column.
Suggested action
Identify the business object and field. Revise and republish the business object.
The Bid Response Analysis Line Item business object cannot handle the DM_FILE_NAME field in the Documents section.
Not adding field with name 'DM_FILE_NAME' to section :
Business Object=BoImpl[name=Bid Response Analysis Line Item,id=10000045,mo
dule=ModuleImpl[name=Line Item,id=27]]] Reason: Field, 'DM_FILE_NAME' is n
ot backed by a database field.[MID-1778354461]

UOM source is not UOM managed.

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN The UOM Source for this field is not UOM Managed. 
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A field is identified to have a Unit of Measure source field, but the source field does not store units of measure.
Suggested action
Identify the business object and field, update the UOM Source in Data Modeler, and republish the business object.
The formula for the triDefaultCapacityNU field, on the triSpace business object, in the Location module, does not evaluate because one of the fields used as a source UOM (triCapacityNU) does not store UOM.
The UOM Source for this field is not UOM Managed. This field:
subCategoryId=6],Business Object=BoImpl[name=triSpace,id=10002873,
module=ModuleImpl[name=Location,id=6]]]] UOM Source Field: 
subCategoryId=6],Business Object=BoImpl[name=triSpace,id=10002873,

Business object does not exist

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN triThreshold Business Object does not exist.
Resolution area
Data Modeler
The Report Manager can run Metric Reports, but the application does not include the business objects that are required to support the functionality.
Suggested action
When you want to implement IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management, upgrade the application to 9.6 or higher. If you are not using IBM TRIRIGA Workplace Performance Management this warning can be ignored.
triThreshold Business Object does not exist.[MID-75369837]

Invalid locator metadata

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Trouble setting the locator field because the locator metadata is 
invalid; setting with the linked object's name instead.
Resolution area
Data Modeler or Workflow Builder
The Data Modeler uses a field for a locator that is different from the field that is mapped into the field in a workflow.
Suggested action
Review the field that is used in the Data Modeler for the locator to ensure the proper mapping. Update and republish the mapping. Locator fields are sometimes used for multi-object mappings and this warning might be seen in this scenario and can be ignored.
The Notification business object in the Mail module has a RefObject locator. The RefObject locator is mapped to the linked record name instead of the identified field from the Data Modeler. This warning can be ignored.
(WFA-2.5:1837189 - 13119943 APPROVE_HIDDEN:14821226 IE=14821226)
Trouble setting the locator field because the locator metadata is invalid; 
setting with the linked object's name instead. 
Locator field: BoFieldImpl[name=RefObject,id=1021,
subCategoryId=6],Business Object=BoImpl[name=Notification,id=107324,

UOM source does not exist

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN UOM Source for field does not exist:
Resolution area
Data Modeler
A field has a source units of measure (UOM) field that is defined, but the source field cannot be found.
Suggested action
Review the field and ensure that the proper UOM definitions exist. Revise and republish the business object.
The triLtBrokerageCommissionNU field, on the triAssetLease business object, in the triContract module has an invalid UOM source.
UOM Source for field does not exist: 
subCategoryId=8],Business Object=BoImpl[name=triAssetLease,id=10008550,
module=ModuleImpl[name=triContract,id=21]]]] This is being allowed for 
backward compatibility, but will likely cause issues in further processing. 
The Business Object Field should be fixed to point to a valid UOM Source.

Missing expression

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN Expression is missing for . boId = ###### Field = ####
Resolution area
Data Modeler
An extended formula is indicated but is not defined, or a variable is not defined.
Suggested action
Use the SQL statements to identify the business object and field:
select * from ibs_spec_type where spec_template_id=######;  

Update and publish.

triTimeZonesCL field does not exist

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN com.tririga.platform.smartobject.InvalidFieldRequestException: 
No field named 'triTimeZonesCL' exists on this Business Object in the 
general sections:
Resolution area
Data Modeler
An application is attempting to use the scheduling custom tasks in workflow, but the calling business object does not have the triTimeZonesCL field, which is required to properly use the functionality.
Suggested action
Revise the identified business object and add the triTimeZonesCL field.
The cstTimeCalculator business object in the triHelper module is missing the triTimeZonesCL field.
com.tririga.platform.smartobject.InvalidFieldRequestException: No field 
named 'triTimeZonesCL' exists on this Business Object in the general 

No value found single lookup

Log Type: Exception Header
WARN No value found in single lookup
Resolution area
Data Modeler
An HTML form report attempted to access a field that does not exist in the underlying business object.
Suggested action
Edit the HTML form, look for the section and field name that is referenced in the error, and correct the field.
No value found in single lookup using XPathExpr: 