Publication of business objects
When you publish a business object that contains localizable fields, language tables are created to store the translated values. If more fields are localizable, the same language table is updated to accommodate the additional localizable fields.
Reference fields rely on the localizable properties of source fields. When you publish a source business object, the referenced business object is also published. The localizable property of the source field is then associated with the reference field.
For example, the triParentFloorTX locator field in the triSpace business object references the triNameTX field in the triFloor business object. When you publish the triFloor business object, the triSpace business object is also published, and language columns are created in both business objects.
To investigate problems with your dependencies, you can determine dependencies by using the following methods:
- Use the Where Used tool to find dependencies, and publish the main business object to resolve these dependencies.
- If you cannot resolve all dependencies, publish all business objects in the system. The scripts for publishing business objects are located in the \Scripts folder of the upgrade disk. For Oracle and IBM® DB2® databases, run the Publish_all_BOs_For_localization_ORCL.sql script. For Microsoft SQL Server databases, run the Publish_all_BOs_For_localization_MSSS.sql script.