Implementing UX (Polymer 3)

Still interested? If you missed my first article, I discussed the key concepts and challenges of the UX framework. Don't worry, I'll give a brief summary. But if you've read the article, what's next? This time, we'll get a basic idea of how to build a simple UX application. Sounds good?

Tip: What is UX? The standard definition of "UX" is user experience. But for simplicity, I'll refer to the TRIRIGA UX framework as "UX".
Note: For more about Polymer 3, see the Polymer website at For more about Node.js, see the NPM website at


Implementing UX (Polymer 3): Building a simple application in the UX framework

By Jay Manaloto

I. What are the key concepts?

To refresh our memories, UX "implements an MVC architecture". Here's a basic diagram of the typical MVC components and process flows.

Basic diagram of the typical MVC components and process flows

II. What are the key challenges?

But if you remember, our classic framework doesn't fully apply the "separation of responsibilities". Components are too tightly coupled.

Here are a few examples:

  • Records are bound to a single specific form.
  • Form sections and fields are tied to BO sections and fields.
  • Forms cannot be replaced without breaking workflows.
  • The Modify Metadata task in the workflow is tied to a single form.

So, if we redraw the basic MVC diagram with this lack of separation, our TRIRIGA framework might look like this. This is where UX comes in!

Basic diagram with lack of MVC separation

At the same time, let's be clear where UX doesn't come in.

Because there's no automatic or direct path from key classic concepts to new UX concepts, the term "upgrade" doesn't really apply. In the words of Ryan Koppelman, our (former) manager of TRIRIGA platform development, "certain concepts do not align, and thus cannot be [directly] upgraded." So instead, we'll take each concept and compare their approaches.

a. Comparison of Approaches

Note: Although the IBM TRIRIGA UX framework was introduced with IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.5.0, the following information might still provide a helpful background for the early development and direction of the UX framework.
Concept Classic UX
Modify Metadata Task Classic applications typically use workflows with Modify Metadata tasks to hide and show form tabs, sections, and fields, or to change the text or text color of a label.

In UX, there is no concept of a Modify Metadata task.

Instead, a variety of layout components, field elements, and action-button elements are available to render a dynamic view.

State Transition Actions Classic applications typically use state transition actions that call workflows with Modify Metadata tasks to hide and show form tabs, sections, and fields, based on the state of a record.

In UX, there is no concept of a Modify Metadata task.

Again, a variety of layout components, field elements, and action-button elements are available to render a dynamic view.

Query Sections

Classic applications typically use query sections to show a collection of records.

Query sections can also trigger workflows with Modify Metadata tasks.

In UX, query interactions rely on Query data sources, which can be pulled into table (grid) layout components.

Again, there is no concept of a Modify Metadata task.

Query Actions

Section actions and query sections with Find actions are found throughout our classic applications.

Find queries also offer an option to add new records.

In UX, there is no concept of section actions or a Find action for query sections.

Instead, action-button elements are available to render actions as needed.

Also, search interactions rely on Query data sources, which can be pulled into table (grid) layout components, list layout components, or search field elements.

Popup Forms

Popup forms are found throughout our classic applications.

Popup forms also display different elements or in different sizes, based on what is selected in the parent form.

In UX, there is no concept of a popup form, which is designed for desktop screens not mobile displays.

Instead, different data sources are pulled into their respective components or elements within the same view as needed.

Data Validation Classic forms rely on Get Temp Record tasks and Modify Metadata tasks to show Attention messages.

In UX, validation relies on in-memory business objects and modal dialogs.

This validation approach is significantly different from the classic approach.

Mobile Design Classic applications were designed for a full desktop experience, not for today's mobile experience with smaller screens and simplified interfaces.

In UX, code that leverages built-in features of Google Polymer elements is “mobile responsive” out-of-the-box.

This responsive-design approach is significantly different from the classic approach.

As you can see, while the UX framework tackles the key challenges in decoupling our classic framework into its separate MVC components, it also isn't meant to automatically "upgrade" our classic framework.

As observed by Casey Cantwell, our (former) lead QA engineer on the TRIRIGA platform team, we have "a unique opportunity to develop a framework for next generation applications." This innovative freedom is key. With this in mind, let's dig deeper into the UX metadata concepts. Are you ready?

III. What are the new metadata concepts?

Building on a solid foundation, the UX framework introduces two new metadata concepts: (1) the model to retrieve the data and trigger the business logic, and (2) the view to render the interfaces or forms. The new renders will be "bolt-on" views that can be quickly added or removed, and will still use our existing application data and workflows.

Once again, if we redraw the basic MVC diagram with our new decoupled metadata approach, our UX framework might look something like this.

Basic diagram with decoupled MVC approach

IV. Can we dig deeper into the UX model?

Of course! As I just mentioned, the model is used "to retrieve the data and trigger the business logic". To be clear, this is where you can define your models in whatever way you see fit to fulfill your business needs. First, you must define your models before you can develop your views.

Each model can be made up of the following components:

  • Data Sources
    • Child Data Sources
    • Related Data Sources
  • Data Source Fields
  • Data Source Actions

Before we look at some screenshots, here are some longer descriptions.

a. Component Descriptions

Component Description
Data Sources

You can define data sources, child data sources, and related data sources to pull together all of the data needed for a model. A data source can be one of several types:

  • Business Object: This type identifies a single record. Traditional scenarios include persistent Create, Update, and Delete interactions.
  • Current User: This type identifies a single user. Traditional scenarios include language, time-zone, and date-time interactions.
  • In-Memory Business Object: This type stores data in a non-persistent scenario.
  • List: This type identifies a collection of values. Traditional scenarios include list-value interactions.
  • Query: This type identifies a collection of records. Traditional scenarios include table (grid), list, and search interactions.
  • Resource Calendar: This type identifies an array of calendar events for resources.
  • Security Information: This type delivers permission information of the current user to the UX application.
  • Smart Section: This type identifies an associated business record. Traditional scenarios include smart section interactions.
  • UOM: This type identifies a collection of units of measure. Traditional scenarios include area, length, and currency interactions.
  • Work Planner: This type identifies the work availability for a set of people. It uses the person's calendar to calculate the available hours, while it uses a query to calculate the planned hours. This is intended for Polymer 3 apps only.

If you have any questions about these data source types, feel free to check out the Application Building for the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 user guide.

Child Data Sources

Child data sources are not required, but can also be powerful in shaping the user experience.

They are identical to other data sources, but they operate as children at a lower level beneath their parent data source. In fact, you can add several levels to build a hierarchy of data sources.

To illustrate, let's say that you defined Spaces Query as your first-level data source. Then you might define Space BO and People Query as second-level child data sources, where the Space BO would be a related (contextual) data source for People Query. Lastly, you might also define Person BO as a third-level child data source of People Query.

  • Level 1 Data Source: Spaces Query with 2 children.
  • Level 2 Data Source: Space BO.
  • Level 2 Data Source: People Query with related Space BO and with 1 child.
  • Level 3 Data Source: Person BO.

With this hierarchy, a user can (1) see a list of spaces, (2) drill into a single space and see people assigned to that space, and (3) drill into a single person record. In our classic framework, this scenario could only be achieved by using many workflows to set variables. In our UX framework, we can achieve this with zero workflows!

Related Data Sources

Related (or contextual) data sources are not required either. But they can be just as powerful in filtering the results of one data source, based on the context of another data source. Imagine that!

To illustrate, let's say that you defined Work Task as one data source. Then you might define Responsible Organization as another data source with the related data source of Work Task. You might also define Manager of Organization as yet another data source with the related data source of Responsible Organization.

  • Data Source: Work Task.
  • Data Source: Responsible Organization with related Work Task.
  • Data Source: Manager of Organization with related Responsible Organization.
Data Source Fields

Each data source must define at least one field. Each field corresponds to a field in the data source type.

To illustrate, let's say that you defined a data source with a Business Object type. Then each field in your data source references a corresponding field in the business object.

Data Source Actions

With data source actions, you define which business rules or workflow logic can be triggered by your data source.

For convenience, your actions can also be grouped together into action groups.

Here's a basic diagram of the data source hierarchy and its relationships.

Basic diagram of the data source hierarchy and its relationships

Next, here's an example of a blank model metadata form, where you define your model and add its data sources. In case you're wondering, while new UX applications will use MVC views, the UX metadata will use traditional forms until our UX framework matures. So stay tuned!

b. Model Metadata

Example of a blank model metadata form

Here's an example of a blank data source metadata form, where you define your data source and add its fields, actions, and child data sources.

c. Data Source Metadata

Example of a blank data source metadata form

V. Can we dig deeper into the UX view?

Sure! As I mentioned earlier, the view is used to "render the interfaces or forms". After your models are in place, this is where you can design your views in whatever way you require to satisfy your business scenarios. Even better, you're free to design any number of views for each model.

Each view is made up of one or more JavaScript (JS) files. In turn, each JS file can be made up of the following components:

  • TRIRIGA components
  • Custom components
  • Polymer elements
  • Traditional elements

Before we peek at a few screenshots, here are some deeper descriptions.

a. Component Descriptions

Component Description
TRIRIGA Components

You can add Polymer-based components provided by TRIRIGA to assemble all of the necessary data and metadata, or enable field-level interactions or information, in a rendered view. These TRIRIGA components include a TRIRIGA graphic and TRIRIGA search field.

Example tags include <triplat-ds>, <triplat-graphic>, <triplat-search-input>, and <triblock-open-page>.

To access the full list of TRIRIGA components and their related documentation, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/doc, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your TRIRIGA environment. For example, just add /p/web/doc: http://localhost:9080/dev/p/web/doc http://localhost:9080/dev/p/web/doc

Custom Components

You can add Polymer-based components customized by yourself to enable field-level interactions or information in a rendered view. These components might include a custom search field or custom people card view.

Example tags might include <custom-search-input>, <my-paper-button>, and <jay-ux-people-card>.

Polymer Elements

Not only can you add components provided by TRIRIGA or customized by yourself, you can also add elements provided by the Polymer library to provide field-level interactions or information in a rendered view. These Polymer elements include a check box, data field, number field, search field, and text field.

  • Iron Elements: This type represents the core elements that don't express a specific visual design style or language.
  • Paper Elements: This type expresses the material design language by Google. Examples include <paper-material>, <paper-input>, and <paper-button>.
  • Other Elements: Other types like Neon elements represent animation, and additional functions.

If you have any questions about Polymer, its concepts, or its elements, feel free to check out the Polymer website at

Traditional Elements

You can also add traditional HTML elements such as containers, headings, or paragraphs. In addition, you can apply CSS styles to these traditional HTML elements as well as TRIRIGA elements and Polymer elements.

Example tags include <div>, <h1>, and <p>.

Next, here's an example of a blank view metadata form, where you define your view and add its JavaScript (JS) files. Later, we'll learn to add JS files.

b. Web View Metadata

Example of a blank view metadata form

Here's an example of a blank model-and-view metadata form, where you tie your view to a model, and define your view type. More about this later.

c. Model and View Metadata

Example of a blank model-and-view metadata form

Finally, here's an example of a blank application metadata form, where you define your application, app type, and app (source) name, such as a model-and-view. Why will UX use an "extra" metadata layer to connect the model-and-view to the application? Flexibility. This extra layer allows the application to pull data from either a UX or non-UX source if needed.

d. Application Metadata

Example of a blank application metadata form

VI. Can we build a simple UX application?

Yes, I think we can! After all, this is what you were waiting for, right? At this point, you should have a better idea of the concepts and components.

For our example, we'll build a simple 3-field 3-button application by (1) defining a model with a single data source, (2) defining the view connections to a model-and-view and application, and (3) defining and designing a view with a single JavaScript (JS) file. Sounds easy, huh?

Here are the basic steps:

  • Define your model
    • Optional: Add the business object
    • 1: Add the model
    • 2: Add the data source
    • 3: Add a few fields for your data source
  • Define your view connections
    • 4: Add the view
    • 5: Add the model-and-view
    • 6: Add the application for your model-and-view
  • Define your view
    • 7: Install the NPM and TRIRIGA tools
    • 8: Add the main JS file for your view
    • 9: Access the application
  • Design your view
    • 10: Start the tri-proxy tool
    • 11: Add a paragraph element to your JS file
    • 12: Add a few field elements to your JS file
    • 13: Add a few button elements to your JS file

Define your model

Before you begin

In your web browser's address bar, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your TRIRIGA environment. For example, if you're building the app locally: http://localhost:9080/dev

In Step 7, I'll ask you to contact your IBM TRIRIGA representative if you cannot access the download location of the Node.js Package Manager (NPM) tool. So be prepared for that.

Optional Step: Add the business object

If you're comfortable with using an existing business object, that's great! You can skip this step. But if you feel safer with a test BO, that's cool too.

From the navigation bar, select Tools > Builder Tools > Data Modeler. Add your new module and BO with a prefix that's easy to identify. For our example, we'll add the jayUX module and jayUXBO business object. Add 3 fields to your BO and update the BO mapping. Then Publish BO.

a. Data Modeler

Example of adding the business object

Step 1: Add the model

From the navigation bar, select Tools > [Tools Portal] > Model Designer. Click Add. Enter the name, exposed name, and ID of your model. The exposed name should be a browser-friendly string. For our example, we'll type jayUXBOModel and skip the description. Then click Create.

a. Model Metadata

Example of adding the model

Step 2: Add the data source

Next, in the Data Sources section of your model, click Add.

a. Model Metadata > Data Sources

Example of adding the data source

Enter the name and exposed name of your data source. Since we want to pull data from a record, select BUSINESS_OBJECT for the data source type. For our example, we'll type jayUXBODataSource and choose the jayUX module and jayUXBO business object. Then click Create.

b. Data Source Metadata

Example of adding the data source

Step 3: Add a few fields for your data source

Next, in the Fields section of your data source, click Quick Add.

a. Data Source Metadata > Fields

Example of adding the data source fields

Enter the name, exposed name, and field name of your data source field. Again, the exposed name should be a browser-friendly string. But the field name should match the field in your data source, like your BO. Be aware that the format of the field name depends on your data source type.

Repeat this for each field that you defined in your test BO or existing BO. For our example, we'll type triField1TX, triField2TX, and triField3TX for the first, second, and third field, respectively. Then click Save.

b. Data Source Metadata > Fields

Example of adding the data source fields

Finally, Save & Close your model components -- data source and model. Guess what? We're done with the first part. You've defined your first model! Ready to move on to the next part?

Define your view connections

Step 4: Add the view

From the navigation bar, select Tools > [Tools Portal] > Web View Designer. Click Add. Enter the name, exposed name, and ID of your view. The exposed name should include a dash (-). For our example, we'll type jayUXBOView for the name and ID, type jay-uxbo-view for the exposed name, and skip the description. Choose the VIEW component type and V3 version of Polymer. Click Create. Then Save & Close.

a. Web View Metadata

Example of adding the view

Why do we need a dash in the exposed name? In Polymer, custom element names must always contain a dash (-). This distinguishes custom elements from regular elements but also ensures forward compatibility when new tags are introduced. So, later in our example, when you design your JS view, your metadata will already reflect that dash.

Why are we skipping the View Files section? We're saving this part for later! So, for now, let's define the rest of the connections.

Step 5: Add the model-and-view

From the navigation bar, select Tools > [Tools Portal] > Model and View Designer. Click Add. Enter the name, exposed name, and ID of your model-and-view. For our example, we'll type jayUXBOModelAndView. Enter the names of the model and the view that you defined earlier. For the view type, select WEB_VIEW. Click Create. Then Save & Close.

a. Model and View Metadata

Example of adding the model-and-view

Step 6: Add the application for your model-and-view

From the navigation bar, select Tools > [Tools Portal] > Application Designer. Click Add. Enter the name, exposed name, and ID of your application. For our example, we'll type jayUXBOApp. For the label, type Jay UX BO Application.

For the app type, select WEB_MODEL_AND_VIEW. For the app (source) name, enter the name of the model-and-view that you defined earlier. For the instance ID, type -1 to generate a new record when the application is opened. Click Create. Then Save & Close.

a. Application Metadata

Example of adding the application

Guess what? We're done with the second part. You've defined your view connections! Ready to move on to the next part?

Define your view

Step 7: Install the NPM and TRIRIGA tools

Contact your IBM TRIRIGA representative or business partner if you cannot access the download location of the Node.js Package Manager (NPM) tool. This NPM tool is used to install several TRIRIGA tools which allow you to populate the JavaScript (JS) files in your view metadata, preview your JS changes, and sync (deploy) your JS changes with the JS files in your TRIRIGA environment. Be aware that these tools are not officially supported at this time.

Download and install the Node/NPM file. For example: node-v8.12.0-x64.msi.

Next, open your command prompt. Run the following NPM commands to install the following TRIRIGA tools.

If you see any NPM-related warnings (optional, unsupported, or deprecated), you can ignore them.

a. TRIRIGA Tools

Tool Description
npm install @tririga/tri-template -g
This command installs the tri-template tool.
This is a simple tool that generates UX view skeletons from available templates. This tool resembles the WebViewSync addview -s starter view command. If you're curious, feel free to check out the tri-template options and details.
npm install @tririga/tri-proxy -g
This command installs the tri-proxy tool.
This is a simple tool that serves UX views from your local file system and proxies all other view files and calls to a TRIRIGA server. This tool resembles the WebViewSync sync -a command, but provides a continuous preview (after each file save) without permanent changes. If you're curious, feel free to check out the tri-proxy options and details.
npm install @tririga/tri-deploy -g
This command installs the tri-deploy tool.
This is a simple tool that deploys UX views to a TRIRIGA server. It updates the UX view files on the server with the files from the specified local directory, and deletes any files on the server that does not exist in the local directory. This tool resembles the WebViewSync push or sync -a command, but provides a one-time action (not continuous) with permanent changes. If you're curious, feel free to check out the tri-deploy options and details.
npm install @tririga/tri-pull -g
This command installs the tri-pull tool.
This is a simple tool that pulls UX views from a TRIRIGA server. It updates the UX view files in the executed local directory with the files from the server. This tool resembles the WebViewSync pull command. If you're curious, feel free to check out the tri-pull options and details.

b. NPM > Install TRIRIGA Tools

Example of installing the TRIRIGA tools

Step 8: Add the main JS file for your view

After you've installed the tools, it's time to add your main JS view file. If you remember, we skipped the View Files section of your view metadata. Now we'll auto-populate it.

First, manually create a folder with the same name as your view name. For our example, in the folder C:\tririga-ux\polymer-3\, we'll create the new folder name jay-uxbo-view. Next, in your command prompt, change directory to this new folder.

To go ahead and add your main JS view file, run the following tri-template command: tri-template -t template-name -e view-exposed-name where -t applies a starter template, template-name is one of the available starter templates, -e generates your starter view file, and view-exposed-name is the exposed name of your view (with the dash).

For our example, we'll use the template name starter-v3 and the view name jay-uxbo-view.

a. NPM > tri-template > Add View

Example of adding the main JS view file

After your JS file is added, you'll see that the C:\tririga-ux\polymer-3\jay-uxbo-view folder now contains the jay-uxbo-view.js file that you started.

To deploy (or push) your view file to the server, run the following tri-deploy command: tri-deploy -t http://[hostname:port][/context_path] -u username -p password -v view-exposed-name -d directory-path -y 3 where -t targets the server URL, -u applies your TRIRIGA username, -p applies your TRIRIGA password, -v deploys your view, view-exposed-name is the exposed name of your view (with the dash), -d applies your local directory, directory-path is the full local directory path of your view, -y applies the Polymer version, and 3 is Polymer 3.

For our example, we'll use (no context), the view name jay-uxbo-view, and the full local directory path C:\tririga-ux\polymer-3\jay-uxbo-view.

Note: If your environment implements a firewall, the tri-deploy command must include 2 additional options and their values, where --basicuser applies the username for basic authentication, and --basicpassword applies the password for basic authentication. Feel free to check out the tri-deploy options and details.

b. NPM > tri-deploy > Deploy View

Example of adding the main JS view file

Next, to verify the view metadata, return to Tools > [Tools Portal] > Web View Designer and the jayUXBOView view. You'll see that the View Files section is now populated with the jay-uxbo-view.js view file metadata.

c. Web View Metadata > View Files

Example of adding the main JS view file

Step 9: Access the application

In your web browser's address bar, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/[yourApp], where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your TRIRIGA environment, and [yourApp] is the exposed name of your application. For example,

If you can see the starter view, that's great! You've defined your first view and accessed your first application! Ready to move on to the best part?

a. UX App > Starter View

Example of accessing the application

Design your view

Step 10: Start the tri-proxy tool

To start the "listening" process so your local JS changes are previewed continuously (but not deployed or synced permanently) with your TRIRIGA environment, return to the command prompt in the same folder as before. Run the following tri-proxy command: tri-proxy -t http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/[yourApp] -v view-exposed-name -d directory-path where -v serves your local view, view-exposed-name is the exposed name of your view, -d listens to your local directory for any file changes (or saves), and directory-path is the full local directory path of your view.

For our example, we'll use, the view name jay-uxbo-view, and the full local directory path C:\tririga-ux\polymer-3\jay-uxbo-view.

Notice that a new browser window opens your preview. In our example, it opens http://localhost:8001/p/web/jayUXBOApp.

When you see the message "Watching files...", it's time to design your view! But be careful not to close the command prompt.

a. NPM > tri-proxy > Preview View

Example of starting the tri-proxy tool

Step 11: Add a paragraph element to your JS file

In the new view folder that contains the new starter file that you added, open the JS file with the HTML/JS editor of your choice. In our example, we'll open jay-uxbo-view.js. For now, we'll skip the HTML/JS introductions and dive into editing the starter view.

First, add the import line at the top of your JS file to import the TRIRIGA triplat-ds (data source) component: import { TriPlatDs } from "../triplat-ds/triplat-ds.js";

a. JS File > Import triplat-ds

Example of adding a paragraph element

Next, add the <triplat-ds> tag to declare the TRIRIGA triplat-ds component: <triplat-ds name="jayUXBODataSource" data="{{data}}"></triplat-ds> where name="jayUXBODataSource" points to your defined data source.

Now, it's time to add the traditional <p> tag for the paragraph element. Let's type: <p>Hello World! This is my 1st UX view!</p>

b. JS File > Declare triplat-ds

Example of adding a paragraph element

When you save the file, return to the command prompt. You'll see the message "Reloading Browsers..." indicating that the changed jay-uxbo-view.js is reloaded into your preview. In other words, each save will reload your preview.

c. NPM > tri-proxy > Reload View

Example of adding a paragraph element

Next, to verify the change, return to the UX view. Do you see your change? You've added your first element! Ready for more?

d. UX App > Preview Starter View

Example of adding a paragraph element

Step 12: Add a few field elements to your JS file

This time, we'll add the Polymer <paper-input> tag for a single-line text field based on the material design language by Google. If you have any questions about Polymer, its concepts, or its elements, feel free to check out the Polymer website at

If you remember, we added several fields to your data source. Now we'll use the <paper-input> tag to create a data-binding relationship to each data source field triField1TX, triField2TX, and triField3TX. Like before, make sure the tri-proxy command is running in the command prompt. (At any time, you can also run tri-deploy to push your updated view file to the server.)

First, add the import line at the top to import the Polymer element: import "../@polymer/paper-input/paper-input.js";

a. JS File > Import paper-input

Example of adding a field element

Next, add the <paper-input> tag to declare the element: <paper-input label="Field 1" floating-label value="{{data.triField1TX}}"></paper-input>

b. JS File > Declare paper-input

Example of adding a field element

Save the file and return to the UX view. Do you see your field? If you do, that's cool! Why not add a couple more <paper-input> tags on your own?

c. UX App > Preview Starter View

Example of adding a field element

Step 13: Add a few button elements to your JS file

This time, we'll add the Polymer <paper-button> tag for a button with a ripple effect based on the material design language by Google. Like before, make sure the tri-proxy command is running in the command prompt. (At any time, you can also run tri-deploy to push your updated view file to the server.)

First, add the import line at the top to import the Polymer element: import "../@polymer/paper-button/paper-button.js";

a. JS File > Import paper-button

Example of adding a button element

Next, add the <paper-button> tag to declare the Polymer element: <paper-button raised>UX rocks!</paper-button> where raised adds a shadow.

b. JS File > Declare paper-button

Example of adding a button element

Save the file and return to the UX view. Do you see your button? If you do, feel free to add a couple more <paper-button> tags on your own!

c. UX App > Preview Starter View

Example of adding a button element

With some creativity, you can try other Polymer <paper-button> attributes.

d. JS File > Declare paper-button

Example of adding a button element

Guess what? We're done. As planned, we built a simple 3-field 3-button application. Congratulations! You've built your first UX application! (If you want, you can also run tri-deploy to push your updated view file to the server.)

e. UX App > Preview Starter View

Example of adding a button element

VII. Still want more?

If you have any questions about UX that weren't answered in this article, feel free to reach out to your IBM TRIRIGA representative or business partner. Or if you want, I'll go ask the team.