UX Work Task Services portal

What is the Work Task Services portal? Our Work Task Services (WTS) portal app is a mobile-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your mobile device or desktop, you can easily access the Work Task app or Service Request app, and create a work task or service request, respectively.

Note: For more information, see Operations and services roles and Managing services.


I. Access the Portal

From your mobile or desktop browser, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/workTaskServices, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the values for your TRIRIGA environment. Feel free to create a browser bookmark or shortcut.

To access the Work Task app from the Work Task Services portal, select Create Task or an existing task. To access the Service Request app from the portal, select Create Service Request. To access the Locate app from the portal, select Locate.

Security Group and Access

  • Service Manager: This group has full access to the Work Task Services portal, Work Task app, Service Request app, and Locate app.
  • Service Technician: This group has full access to the Work Task Services portal, Work Task app, Service Request app, and Locate app.
  • External Service Provider (or Operations Vendor): This group has full access to the Work Task Services portal, Work Task app, Service Request app, and Locate app.

Model Access Permissions for Work Task Services Portal

  • No Access: This permission shows a security warning.
  • Read: This permission allows access to the portal.
  • Read and Update: This permission allows access to the portal.
  • Read, Update, and Create: This permission allows access to the portal.
  • Read, Update, Create, and Delete: This permission allows access to the portal.

II. Access the Apps from the Portal

Be aware that while access to the WTS portal is controlled by the portal permissions, further access from the portal to any related app is controlled by the permissions for that app. Meanwhile, direct access to the app from its corresponding URL address is controlled by the app permissions.

Model Access Permissions for Work Tasks

  • No Access
    • WTS: This permission cannot see work tasks in the portal, and shows a security warning.
    • URL: This permission shows a security warning.
  • Read
    • WTS: This permission cannot see work tasks in the portal.
    • URL: This permission can see work tasks in the app.
  • Read and Update
    • WTS: This permission can see, but not update work tasks, except to change their statuses.
    • URL: This permission can see, but not update work tasks, except to change their statuses.
  • Read, Update, and Create
    • WTS: This permission can see, update, and create work tasks.
    • URL: This permission can see, update, and create work tasks.
  • Read, Update, Create, and Delete
    • WTS: This permission can see, update, create, and delete work tasks.
    • URL: This permission can see, update, create, and delete work tasks.

Model Access Permissions for Service Requests

  • No Access
    • WTS: This permission cannot see requests in the portal.
    • URL: This permission shows a security warning.
  • Read
    • WTS: This permission cannot see requests in the portal.
    • URL: This permission can see, cancel, but not update requests in the app.
  • Read and Update
    • WTS: This permission cannot see requests in the portal.
    • URL: This permission can see, cancel, but not update requests in the app.
  • Read, Update, and Create
    • WTS: This permission can create requests. To see or update requests, you can use the Workplace Services (WPS) portal.
    • URL: This permission can see, update, create, and cancel requests.
  • Read, Update, Create, and Delete
    • WTS: This permission can create requests. To see, update, or cancel requests, you can use the Workplace Services (WPS) portal.
    • URL: This permission can see, update, create, and cancel requests.

Model Access Permissions for Locate

  • No Access
    • WTS: This permission cannot see the Locate option in the portal.
    • URL: This permission shows a security warning.
  • Read
    • WTS: This permission can see the Locate option and open the Locate app.
    • URL: This permission can open the Locate app.
  • Read and Update
    • WTS: This permission can see the Locate option and open the Locate app.
    • URL: This permission can open the Locate app.
  • Read, Update, and Create
    • WTS: This permission can see the Locate option and open the Locate app.
    • URL: This permission can open the Locate app.
  • Read, Update, Create, and Delete
    • WTS: This permission can see the Locate option and open the Locate app.
    • URL: This permission can open the Locate app.
  • In addition to the model access permissions for the Locate app, you can control the model access permissions for the People Search (triAppPeopleSearch) within the Locate app. With the People Search (triAppPeopleSearch), any permission other than No Access allows you to perform people searches.
  • In addition to the model access permissions for the Locate app, you can control the model access permissions for the Room Search (triAppLocationContext) within the Locate app. With the Room Search (triAppLocationContext), any permission other than No Access allows you to perform room searches.

III. What is UX Offline mode?

With our UX Perceptive applications, the offline experience is available through the Service Worker API. A service worker is a script that your browser runs in the background, and it can intercept and handle network requests, including programmatically managing a cache of responses. Service Worker is a powerful API where you can fabricate and filter responses.

Note: For more information, see UX Offline mode.