UX Work Planner app

What is the Work Planner app? Our Work Planner app is a user-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your tablet device or desktop, you can easily view the list of work tasks, assign one or more tasks to one or more people, and edit the assignments.

Note: For more information, see Operations and services roles and Managing services.
Important: For important information, see the readme file for the IBM TRIRIGA fix pack.


I. What is the Work Planner app?

To set the context, our foundation TRIRIGA service management application enables you to assign resources to work tasks, where "tasks can be automatically assigned to a responsible organization based on service plan settings" or "you can also manually assign tasks to individuals by using the work plan records." Here's a basic diagram of the TRIRIGA process flow for assigning work tasks.

Basic diagram of the TRIRIGA process flow for assigning work tasks

So, in terms of the process diagram for assigning (or planning) work tasks, all of these boxes together loosely represents our Perceptive app -- the Work Planner app -- in our UX framework. Keep in mind that these boxes still also represent our foundation application for assigning work tasks. But here, let's focus on the Perceptive app.

Our Work Planner app is a user-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your tablet device or desktop, you can easily view the list of work tasks, assign one or more tasks to one or more people, and edit the assignments.

II. Access the App

From your mobile browser, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/workPlanner, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the values for your TRIRIGA environment. Feel free to create a browser bookmark or shortcut.

From your desktop browser, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path], where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the values for your TRIRIGA environment. From the navigation menu bar, select Tasks > Work Planner.

Security Group and Access

  • Facility Assessment Manager - Fundamentals: This group has full access to the Work Planner app.
  • Move Planner - Fundamentals: This group has full access to the Work Planner app.
  • Project Manager - Fundamentals: This group has full access to the Work Planner app.
  • Service Manager - Fundamentals: This group has full access to the Work Task Services portal, Work Task app, Service Request app, Locate app, and Work Planner app.
  • Space Planner - Fundamentals: This group has full access to the Work Planner app.

III. Service Supervisor

If you don't see any unassigned or assigned work tasks, make sure that your organizations have the proper service-plan and service-agreement settings for service providers, and the proper resource-assignment settings for projects and tasks.

Also, make sure that you've been added as a Supervisor contact role for the workgroup. Note that a Supervisor can be a member of any of the following security groups: Service Manager, Service Technician, or External Service Provider.

Here are the basic steps for a Supervisor role:

  • Open your list of work tasks.
  • Assign one or more work tasks to one or more people.
    • For one task and one person, drag-and-drop the task to the person.
    • For multiple tasks or multiple people, check the boxes to select the tasks or people, then drag-and-drop the selected task or tasks to the selected person or people.
    • As an alternative to drag-and-drop, you can also check the boxes and click Assign.
  • Change or review the team assignment details.
    • Edit the task priority, allocation date, or allocated time.
    • Click Edit assignment to Add or Remove people.