UX Service Request app
What is the Service Request app? Our Service Request app is a mobile-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your mobile device or desktop, you can easily create a service request, select a request category, add details and comments to that request, and submit the request.
I. What is the Service Request app?
To set the context, our foundation TRIRIGA self-service application enables you to "initiate requests for the services, assets, locations, or personnel that you need, and manage and track each request." Here's a basic diagram of the TRIRIGA self-service process flow.
So, in terms of the self-service process diagram, all of these boxes together loosely represents our Perceptive app -- the Service Request app -- in our UX framework. Keep in mind that these boxes still also represent our foundation self-service application. But here, let's focus on the Perceptive app.
Our Service Request app is a mobile-friendly Perceptive app. By using this Perceptive application on your mobile device or desktop, you can easily create a service request, select a request category, add details and comments to that request, and submit the request.
II. Access the App
From your mobile or desktop browser, enter the following URL address: http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/serviceRequest, where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the values for your TRIRIGA environment. Feel free to create a browser bookmark or shortcut.
To access the Service Request app from the Workplace Services portal, select Request Service or an existing request.
Security Group and Access
- Request Central: This group has full access to the Service Request app.
III. Self-Service Requester
If you don't see your service request categories, make sure that your buildings have the proper management settings for service requests, and the proper move-policy settings for move planning and move requests.
Here are the basic steps for a Self-Service Requester role:
- Open your list of service requests.
- Create or open a service request.
- Add, change, or review the request details.
- Select who the request is for, and where the problem is.
- Select what the problem category and problem type are.
- Post any comments or Attach any photos.
- Review the service request. Click Submit.