Upgrade next steps

What are the next steps after application upgrade? It is a best practice for customers to monitor their modifications to as-shipped TRIRIGA® objects. To track your object modifications in your TRIRIGA applications after you upgrade them, periodically review the objects in the Object Label Manager, on the Labeled Objects tab of the In Progress object label definition.

The Labeled Objects tab contains a list of objects with the In Progress label. Objects with an In Progress label were changed by you (as the customer, or by the services teams on your behalf), and have not yet been labeled by you. Ensure that no unexpected objects are listed. A list of object changes can be exported and reviewed by clicking Export Object Changes.

Compare revisions and compare objects

To further investigate specific changes to an object, you can use the Compare Revisions action to compare revisions of the object in its respective builder. For example, you might perform a comparison result for two revisions of the "triBuildingEquipment – trReview" query in the Report Manager.

To see what has changed between an as-shipped revision of an object that was updated by IBM TRIRIGA and a custom revision of the object, perform a comparison between the IBM TRIRIGA object label and the most recent In Progress object label. For example, the IBM TRIRIGA object label might be IBM-T:10.5.1 or IBM-T:10.5.3.

You can also use the Compare Objects action to compare objects with different names. For example, let's say that you renamed the triFloor form to cstFloor and modified it to suit your needs in an older IBM TRIRIGA version. You can compare cstFloor with triFloor in the Form Builder. To compare object revisions and objects with different names, see Tracking Object Revisions.

Report Manager > Compare Revisions

Example of comparing revisions