Keystrokes in IBM TRIRIGA

When you use IBM® TRIRIGA® in an Internet Explorer browser, you can use a combination of keyboard keys for navigation.

Move through record forms

The following keystrokes can be used to move through form sections and records.

Action Keyboard keys
Open a drop-down list Enter
Select an option Enter
Move through the list of options Tab or arrow keys
In a Tab Content region, move from one section to the next section Alt+s+down arrow
In a Tab Content region, move from one section to the previous section Alt+s+up arrow
In a Tab Content region, open a drop-down menu of all tabs Ctrl+down arrow
Move through tabs Tab or Shift+Tab
Activate a tab Enter
Move through a drop-down menu Tab or arrow keys

Move through portals

The following keystrokes can be used to move through portal sections.

Action Keyboard keys
Move through a main menu Tab
Activate a menu Enter
Move through a drop-down toolbar menu in a portal section toolbar Tab or up/down arrow
Close a drop-down toolbar menu in a portal section when the focus is on the drop-down icon or on the drop-down menu Esc
Activate a collapse/expand toggle button in a portal section toolbar Enter
Activate a maximize/restore toggle button in a portal section toolbar Enter

Move through a date or datetime picker

After you open the picker and the calendar is displayed, press right arrow+Tab to activate the following keyboard keys:

Action Keyboard keys
Move between date cells Arrow keys
Go to the same day in the next month Page Down
Go to the same day in the previous month Page Up
Go to the same day in the next year Ctrl+Page Down
Go to the same day in the previous year Ctrl+Page Up
Go to the first day in the month Home
Go to the last day in the month End
Select the date Enter or space bar

Move through a Notes section

The following keystrokes can be used to move through a Notes section:

Action Keyboard keys
Open the help page for a Notes section from inside a Notes section Alt+0
Move to the rich text content area Esc
Move from the rich text area to the formatting toolbar Alt+F10
Move through the toolbar buttons Arrow keys or Tab
Activate a toolbar button and return focus to the rich text content editor Enter
Select an element Enter or space bar
Activate the context menu Shift+F10
Move between the menu items Arrow keys
Open submenus Right arrow key
Close submenus Left arrow key
Close the menu Esc
From the rich text content area, return to the previous area of focus outside the Notes field Alt+F10, then Shift+tab
From the toolbar area, return to the previous area of focus outside the Notes field Shift+tab

Move through bookmarks and bookmark folders

The following keystrokes can be used to move through a Bookmarks window. To expand or collapse the list of bookmark folders, the focus must be on the expand (down arrow) or collapse (up arrow) button.

Action Keyboard keys
Expand the list of bookmark folders Enter
Move through a list of bookmarks Tab
Select a folder for the bookmark Enter
Rename the selected folder Enter
Return focus to a folder after adding or renaming the folder Shift+Tab
Collapse the bookmark folder list Enter
Close a drop-down toolbar menu in a bookmark section when the focus is on the drop-down icon or on the drop-down menu Esc