Keystrokes in IBM TRIRIGA
When you use IBM® TRIRIGA® in an Internet Explorer browser, you can use a combination of keyboard keys for navigation.
Move through record forms
The following keystrokes can be used to move through form sections and records.
Action | Keyboard keys |
Open a drop-down list | Enter |
Select an option | Enter |
Move through the list of options | Tab or arrow keys |
In a Tab Content region, move from one section to the next section | Alt+s+down arrow |
In a Tab Content region, move from one section to the previous section | Alt+s+up arrow |
In a Tab Content region, open a drop-down menu of all tabs | Ctrl+down arrow |
Move through tabs | Tab or Shift+Tab |
Activate a tab | Enter |
Move through a drop-down menu | Tab or arrow keys |
Move through portals
The following keystrokes can be used to move through portal sections.
Action | Keyboard keys |
Move through a main menu | Tab |
Activate a menu | Enter |
Move through a drop-down toolbar menu in a portal section toolbar | Tab or up/down arrow |
Close a drop-down toolbar menu in a portal section when the focus is on the drop-down icon or on the drop-down menu | Esc |
Activate a collapse/expand toggle button in a portal section toolbar | Enter |
Activate a maximize/restore toggle button in a portal section toolbar | Enter |
Move through a date or datetime picker
After you open the picker and the calendar is displayed, press right arrow+Tab to activate the following keyboard keys:
Action | Keyboard keys |
Move between date cells | Arrow keys |
Go to the same day in the next month | Page Down |
Go to the same day in the previous month | Page Up |
Go to the same day in the next year | Ctrl+Page Down |
Go to the same day in the previous year | Ctrl+Page Up |
Go to the first day in the month | Home |
Go to the last day in the month | End |
Select the date | Enter or space bar |
Move through a Notes section
The following keystrokes can be used to move through a Notes section:
Action | Keyboard keys |
Open the help page for a Notes section from inside a Notes section | Alt+0 |
Move to the rich text content area | Esc |
Move from the rich text area to the formatting toolbar | Alt+F10 |
Move through the toolbar buttons | Arrow keys or Tab |
Activate a toolbar button and return focus to the rich text content editor | Enter |
Select an element | Enter or space bar |
Activate the context menu | Shift+F10 |
Move between the menu items | Arrow keys |
Open submenus | Right arrow key |
Close submenus | Left arrow key |
Close the menu | Esc |
From the rich text content area, return to the previous area of focus outside the Notes field | Alt+F10, then Shift+tab |
From the toolbar area, return to the previous area of focus outside the Notes field | Shift+tab |
Move through bookmarks and bookmark folders
The following keystrokes can be used to move through a Bookmarks window. To expand or collapse the list of bookmark folders, the focus must be on the expand (down arrow) or collapse (up arrow) button.
Action | Keyboard keys |
Expand the list of bookmark folders | Enter |
Move through a list of bookmarks | Tab |
Select a folder for the bookmark | Enter |
Rename the selected folder | Enter |
Return focus to a folder after adding or renaming the folder | Shift+Tab |
Collapse the bookmark folder list | Enter |
Close a drop-down toolbar menu in a bookmark section when the focus is on the drop-down icon or on the drop-down menu | Esc |