Upgrading the TADDM server

Before beginning the upgrade, verify that your system is running a supported operating system and that all hardware and software requirements are met.

Depending on the type of TADDM deployment that you are using, upgrade the associated TADDM servers in the order that is described in Table 1.

Table 1. Order in which to upgrade the TADDM servers
Deployment type Order in which to upgrade the associated TADDM servers
Synchronization server deployment
  1. Upgrade the synchronization server.
  2. Upgrade the domain servers. You must upgrade a domain server and all leaf nodes at the same time.
Streaming server deployment
  1. Upgrade the primary storage server.
  2. After the successful upgrade of the primary storage server, upgrade the remaining TADDM servers in this order:
    1. Upgrade any secondary storage servers.
    2. Upgrade the discovery servers.
    3. Start secondary storage servers and discovery servers. By default, they are not started after the upgrade.

All TADDM servers in a streaming server deployment must be upgraded together so that they have the same version and release. Do not start the secondary storage server or the discovery server unless the server is the same version as the primary storage server.

If you are installing on a dual-stack system that supports both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, ensure that any numeric IP addresses that you specify during the installation process are IPv4 addresses.

Upgrading the data model requires significant data processing. Depending on the size of the discovered data and your system configuration, the upgrade process might take several hours.

To upgrade a TADDM server, complete the following steps:

  1. For each TADDM server that you plan to upgrade, complete the prerequisite tasks, which include stopping all TADDM servers.
  2. Insert the TADDM Disc 1 installation DVD and change to the TADDM directory. If you downloaded TADDM in the zip format, the zip files number 1 and 2 are the equivalent of Disc 1.
  3. Use one of the following commands to run the upgrade process:
    • For AIX® operating systems, installFixPack.sh
    • For Linux® operating systems, installFixPack.sh
    • For Linux for System z® operating systems, installFixPack.sh
    • For Windows operating systems, installFixPack.bat
    Restriction: When you run the TADDM installation wizard installFixPack.bat on Windows operating systems, select the Run as administrator option.
    In addition, you can run the upgrade process in console mode, by using the -i console parameter.
  4. Click the I accept both the IBM and the non-IBM terms. check box and click Next.
  5. When prompted to do so, type the name of the TADDM installation directory.
    The existing installation is checked to ensure that it is eligible to be upgraded.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On Windows systems, specify the user ID and password for the user account you want to use to run the TADDM server Windows service.
    The specified user must belong to the Administrators group.

    Click Next.

  8. For primary storage server and domain server, if you are using an Oracle database, specify the path to a directory that contains the Oracle JDBC driver and two other Oracle jars that support XML operations, ojdbc6.jar, xdb6.jar, and xmlparserv2.jar. Click Next.
    Verify that the version of all the files that you are using is the same as the version of the Oracle server.
    Important: If you use Oracle, or, the jars must be in version If you use Oracle 12, the jars must be in version 12. You must place the jar files in the dist/lib/jdbc directory on your TADDM server. You can download them from the Oracle website, or copy them from the Oracle server, not Oracle client, from the following locations:
    • ../app/oracle/product/Oracle_version/dbhome/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar
    • ../app/oracle/product/Oracle_version/dbhome/rdbms/jlib/xdb6.jar
    • ../app/oracle/product/Oracle_version/dbhome/xdk/lib/xmlparserv2.jar on Oracle 11g, or ../app/oracle/product/Oracle_version/dbhome/lib/xmlparserv2.jar on Oracle 12c
    Oracle provides various copies of the xmlparserv2.jar file, therefore, you must copy it from the preceding location, not from another one. For more information, contact your database administrator.
    Note: Fix Pack
4If you use Oracle 12 (version, after completion of TADDM installation, the jars- ojdbc6.jar, xdb6.jar and xmlparserv2.jar at the path dist/lib/jdbc must be replaced with jars ojdbc7.jar, xdb6.jar and xmlparserv2.jar. These jars can be copied from the path : ../app/oracle/product/Oracle_version/dbhome/sqldeveloper/sqlcl/lib.
  9. Review the summary information and click Install.
  10. After the upgrade process is complete, a page, indicating the status of the upgrade, is displayed. Click Finish to close the upgrade program.
    Important: During installation, the TADDM server is automatically started to perform several database migration steps. If the existing database contains a large number of configuration items, this startup process can take several hours, which can cause the installer to exit with one of the following messages:
    • CTJTI0203E (The GUID migration fails because the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Server did not start within a specified time.).
    • CTJTI0191E (The GUID migration fails. See the following log file: log_file. .\n\n After correcting the problem, run the installation process to resume the upgrade process. Contact Support if unable to resolve the error, a database restore may be required in the event a code fix is necessary.).

    If you are monitoring the system, you might see that the Proxy service remains in startup mode for several hours as the view information is reprocessed.

    If this happens, wait for the server startup to complete, and then restart the installer process to complete migration; the installer automatically resumes at the point where the failure occurred.

  11. If the TADDM database is an Oracle database running in an enterprise environment, for all domains that were upgraded, run the purge recyclebin command using SQL*Plus.
  12. If you have saved backup copies of any configuration files before upgrading, merge the contents of the backup copies with the contents of the new files installed as part of the upgrade.
    See Performing prerequisite tasks, optional step: Save copies of any configuration files you have customized for details about files that can have backup copies.

    If an error occurs during the upgrade, correct the problem and restart the TADDM installation process. The installation process resumes the upgrade process. It is not necessary to repeat any steps that were successfully completed.

    Log files are created and stored in the installLogs directory during the upgrade. The file names of the main log files include the number of the product version, to which you are upgrading, for example "7.2.2", or "7.3.0".

    The DB upgrade log file can be found in $COLLATION_HOME/log/migration.log directory.

  13. On each client that uses the Discovery Management Console, clear the Java™ Web Start cache.
    To clear the Java Web Start cache, complete the following steps:
    1. Go to the \jre\bin subdirectory of the IBM® Java SDK directory.
    2. Double-click the javaws.exe.
      1. In the Java Application Cache Viewer window, select Edit > Preferences
      2. In the Java Control Panel window, from the Temporary Internet Files section, click Delete Files. Select all Delete the temporary files check boxes and click OK.
      3. Click OK to exit the Java Control Panel window.
    If experiencing problem when accessing the Data Management Portal, for example, the screen appears blank clear the browser cache.
  14. If integrating TADDM with Tivoli® Business Service Manager, IBM Tivoli CCMDB or IBM SmartCloud Control Desk, or any software products copy the necessary client jar files to those installations.
  15. Optional: If you automatically configured the Context Menu Service and Data Integration Service as part of the installation, and you have previously made any changes to the configuration files for these services, you might need to manually apply these changes to the upgraded configuration files.
    Check the previous configuration files for customized values:
    • $COLLATION_HOME/solutions/disintegration/etc/cmsdis/classtype-detailsPanel.list
    • $COLLATION_HOME/solutions/disintegration/etc/ cmsdis/classtype-changehistory.list
    Any changes you made in these files must now be applied to the new configuration files:
    • $COLLATION_HOME/etc/cmsdis/classtype-detailsPanel.list
    • $COLLATION_HOME/etc/cmsdis/classtype-changehistory.list
  16. Restart the server.
  • If you have customized discovery profiles, compare them to the new profiles to determine whether any new sensors must be added. The upgrade process does not modify customized profiles.
  • After completing and verifying the upgrade, check the TADDM support web site and install any available maintenance fixes.
  • TADDM uses file-based authentication for the administrator account, even when using VMM (Virtual Member Manager) or LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) User Registry. As part of the upgrade process, the password for the default administrator account is set to collation. You can change this password after restarting TADDM. If you do not change this password, you must update the configuration of any products that integrate with TADDM, such as IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager, to reflect the new password for the administrator account.
  • After the upgrade completes, the user must run database statistics. For information about how to run database statistics, see the Database maintenance topic.
  • If TADDM and IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment integration is installed on the TADDM server, you must uninstall and reinstall the IBM Tivoli Monitoring workspaces and situations for TADDM.
  • If you discover Oracle database servers, you must copy necessary .jar files again as described in the configuring Oracle sensor section in the Sensor Guide.
  • If your are using database views for extended attributes, recreate them by following the procedure that is described in the Running the extended attributes view tool topic.
  • If you are using TADDM Cognos model, to enable capabilities of the new TADDM Cognos model, follow the procedure that is described in the Generating the TADDM model topic, including the What to do next section.
  • If you are running discoveries in the asynchronous mode, configure the discovery by following procedure described in Configuring for asynchronous discovery.