Managing access lists

The access list methods create and manage access list entries from the Java™ API. Vendor-supplied applications can manage identities using these methods.

The following tasks can be completed using these API methods:
Create and delete the access list entry
You can create and delete the access list entry to maintain them automatically.
Update the properties of the access list entry
You can update the properties of the access list entry. The API can be used to change the password.
Get the properties of the access list entry
You can get the particular properties of the access list entry shown in Access List window of the Discovery Management Console. The API cannot be used to retrieve the password.
Verify the property value of the access list entry
You can verify whether the given property value matches the property value in the existing access list entry. This API can be used to verify the password of the access list entry.
Table 1 describes the access list methods you can use.
Note: Access list entries registered in the discovery profile are not supported by the API provided.
Table 1. Access list methods
Method Description
deleteDiscoveryAccessEntry(String authClassName, String name)

Delete the access entry with the specified class and name.


Get all the discovery access entries.

getDiscoveryAccessEntry (String authClassName, String name)

Get the discovery access entry with the specified class and name.

updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry discoveryAccess)

Update the properties of the access entry with the specified class and name.

verifyDiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry discoveryAccess)

Verify whether the given properties match the current properties of the access entry with the specified class and name.

Example Java code

  1. The following example Java code shows how to create the connection, session, and API instance:
    CMDBApi api;
    try {
        ApiConnection conn_ = ApiFactory.getInstance().getApiConnection("localhost", 
        ApiSession session_ = ApiFactory.getInstance().getSession(conn_, user, 
          password, CMDB_DEFAULT);
        api = session_.createCMDBApi();
      } catch (ApiException ex) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
  2. The following example Java code shows how to programmatically create discovery access entries:
    try {
        // WebSphere access entry
        DiscoveryAccessEntry entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry
         (DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_WEBSPHERE, "user3-websphere");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope3");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 3);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "wasadmin");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
          PROPERTY_TRUSTSTOREFILECONTENTS, new byte[] { 0x10, 0x20, 0x30 });
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
        // SNMP access entry
    	   entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_SNMP, 
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope4");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 4);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_COMMUNITYSTRING, "public");
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
    	   // SNMPv3 access entry
    	   entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_SNMPV3,
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope5");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 5);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "snmp");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_AUTHPROTOCOL, "MD5");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
    	   // Cisco access entry
    	   entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_CISCO, 
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope6");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 6);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "cisco");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
    	   entry.setProperty("enablepassword", "enablepassword");
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
    	   // ccmsserver access entry
    	   entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_
          CCMSSERVER, "user7-sapccms");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope7");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 7);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "ccms");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_CLIENTID, "clientid");
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
    	   // Computer system access entry
    	   entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_HOST, 
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope1");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 1);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "root");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
        // Windows computer system access entry
    	   entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_
          WINDOWSHOST, "user2-winhost");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope2");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 2);
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "Administrator");
    	   entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
    	   entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
     } catch (ApiException ae) {
    	   System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
    	   System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
  3. The following example Java code shows how to get all discovery access entries:
    try {
        DiscoveryAccessEntry entry;
    	   DiscoveryAccessEntry[] entries = api.getAllDiscoveryAccessEntries();
    	   for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
    		  entry = entries[i];
    		  String authClassName = (String) entry.getAuthClassName();
    		  Integer order = (Integer) entry.getProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.
    		  switch (order.intValue()) {
    		  case 1:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_HOST.equals(authClassName));
    		  case 2:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_WINDOWSHOST.equals(authClassName));
    		  case 3:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_WEBSPHERE.equals(authClassName));
    		  case 4:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_SNMP.equals(authClassName));
    		  case 5:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_SNMPV3.equals(authClassName));
    		  case 6:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_CISCO.equals(authClassName));
    		  case 7:
    		    // DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_CCMSSERVER.equals(authClassName));
    	} catch (ApiException ae) {
    	   System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
    	} catch (Exception ex) {
    	   System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
  4. The following example Java code shows how to get a specific discovery access entry:
    try {
    	   DiscoveryAccessEntry entry = api.getDiscoveryAccessEntry
          (DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_SNMP, "user4-snmp");
    	   String authClassName = (String) entry.getAuthClassName();
    	   String name = (String) entry.getName();
    	} catch (ApiException ae) {
    	   System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
    	} catch (Exception ex) {
    	   System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
  5. The following example Java code shows how to update a specific discovery access entry:
    try {
      // Create an entry with the same name as an existing entry
      DiscoveryAccessEntry entry = new DiscoveryAccessEntry
       (DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_HOST, "user1-host");
      // Change the scope
      entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_SCOPENAME, "scope1c");
      // Change the order
      entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 2);
      // Change the username
      entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_USERNAME, "rootc");
      // Change the password
      entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "passwordc");
      // Update the entry
      entry = api.updateDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry);
    } catch (ApiException ae) {
    	  System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
       System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
  6. The following example Java code shows how to verify a discovery access entry:
    try {
    // Create an entry with the same name as the existing entry to verify
    DiscoveryAccessEntry entry = 
     new DiscoveryAccessEntry(DiscoveryAccessEntry.AUTHCLASS_HOST, "user1-host");
    // Set the order property to the wrong number
    entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 1);
    // This result should be false
    boolean result = api.verifyDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry));
    // Set the order property to the correct number
    entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_ORDER, 2);
    // This result should be true
    result = api.verifyDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry));
    // Set the password property to the wrong value
    entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "password");
    // This result should be false
    result = api.verifyDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry));
    // Set the password property to the correct value
    entry.setProperty(DiscoveryAccessEntry.PROPERTY_PASSWORD, "passwordc");
    // This result should be true
       result = api.verifyDiscoveryAccessEntry(entry));
    } catch (ApiException ae) {
       System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
       System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
  7. The following example Java code shows how to delete a discovery access entry:
    try {
    } catch (ApiException ae) {
    	   System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    	   System.err.println("exception:" + ex);