Running the Integration Plugin

To run the Integration Plugin, execute the following steps:

  1. Collect zip. TADDM iso and FP package contains IntegrationPlugin zip. Once installed or mounted, IntegrationPlugin package is present at /opt/IBM/taddm/dist/tools.
  2. Extract zip .
     Integration package will be uncompressed and shall contain the following structure:
            /lib		lib directory contains all the required jars and IntegrationPlugin.jar
    	/	IntegrationPlugin script
    	/resources	resources directory contains properties files and configuration files
    	/security	security directory contains Java security policy file
           /external       external directory contains IBM Java JDK
  3. User must perform the necessary configurations.
    • Configure supported Configuration Items (CIs) and their types in mapping.xml for transformation purpose from TADDM DB to ServiceNow CMDB
    • Update corresponding <CI>.xml for attribute mapping
    • Specify required target, source and plugin properties in properties files
    • Configure Access list with required parameters at TADDM side
    • Copy from TADDM hosted machine (path:/opt/IBM/taddm/dist/external/jdk) to (path:<IntegrationPlugin path>/external) on the machine which hosts the tools/Integration Plugin. Set the path IBM_JAVA path in
      • Unzip in external folder
      • Command : unzip
      javaHOME = /opt/IBM/taddm/dist/tools/IntegrationPlugin/IntegrationPlugin/external/jdk-Linux-x86_64
    • Copy file from TADDM hosted machine (path:/opt/IBM/TADDM/dist/etc) to (path:<IntegrationPlugin path>/security/etc) on the machine which hosts the tool or Integration Plugin
  4. Enable Migration and Change Event process in
  5. Run script.
    Integration Plugin package contains script in /script.
    Starting the Integration Plugin:
      Option 1:
      [Command] ./ start
      Taddm User Id and Password – will read from internal properties file
      [Command] ./ start &
      Taddm User Id and Password – will read from internal properties file
      & - for running the plugin in background
      Note: User is recommended to exit gracefully from the terminal from which Integration plugin is invoked and put in background. This can be done using commands “exit” or “disown”.
      Option 2:
      [Command] ./ -u <username> start
      -u, --user <Taddm User Id>
     Password – to be entered on subsequent command line prompt (for safety reasons)                                                                                                    
      Option 3:
      [Command] ./ -u <username> -p <password> start
      -u, --user <Taddm User Id>
      -p, --password <Taddm User password>
     Stopping the Integration Plugin:
      Option 1:
      [Command] ./ stop 
      Option 2:
      [Command] ./ stop force
     Status of Integration Plugin:
      Option 1:
      [Command] ./ status