Exploring a sample Java application

This section describes how to create, compile, and run a simple Java™ application.

To create the Java sample application, complete the following steps:

  1. Copy the following Java code into a file called FindXmlExample.java.

    The source code is also available in the $COLLATION_HOME/sdk/examples/java directory.

    package com.collation.proxy.api.examples.java;
    // package com.collation.proxy.api.examples.java;
    import com.collation.proxy.api.client.ApiConnection;
    import com.collation.proxy.api.client.ApiException;
    import com.collation.proxy.api.client.ApiSession;
    import com.collation.proxy.api.client.CMDBApi;
    import com.collation.proxy.api.client.DataResultSet;
    import com.ibm.cdb.api.ApiFactory;
     * Simple CMDB API findXML() example:
     * <p>  get connection and log into api server
     * <p>  find all machines which have more than 1 CPU
     * <p>  find all Oracle instances
    public class FindXmlExample {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        CMDBApi api = null;
        ApiSession sess = null;
        try {
           * Establish connection to api server
           * <p>    ApiConnection.getConnection(host, port,
                                                trustoreLocation, useSSL)
          ApiConnection conn = 
    	    ApiFactory.getInstance().getApiConnection("localhost", -1,
                                                      null, false);
           * Get a session: 
           * <p>     ApiSession.getSession(connection, username,
                                           password, version)
          sess = ApiFactory.getInstance().getSession(conn, "smartoperator",
           * Get an CMDBApi instance
          api = sess.createCMDBApi();
          System.out.println("all machines which have more than 1 CPU:");
          String query = "select * from ComputerSystem where numCPUs>1";
           * Find all of the ComputerSystem have more than 1 CPU.
           * The method: findXml(query, depth, indent, mssGuid, permissions)
           * is deprecated, as the result set may be too large to fit into
           * memory.  Instead, using cursors is encouraged:
          DataResultSet data = api.executeQuery(query, null, null);
          while (data.next()) {
          System.out.println("\nall Oracle instances:");
          query = "select * from OracleInstance";
          data = api.executeQuery(query, null, null);
          while (data.next()) {
        } catch (ApiException ae) {
          System.err.println("api exception:" + ae);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
        } finally {
          try {
            if (api != null) {
            if (sess != null) {
          } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.err.println("exception:" + ex);
  2. By default, the sample program connects to a TADDM server on the local host. If you wish to connect to a remote server, change the following line:
    ApiConnection conn = ApiFactory.getInstance().getApiConnection("localhost", -1, 
      null, false);  	
    For example, to connect to a server named taddmhost.ibm.com using the default ports:
    ApiConnection conn = ApiFactory.getInstance().
         getApiConnection("taddmhost.ibm.com",-1, null, false); 
    By default, the sample program creates a session with a user ID of smartoperator and a password of foobar. Change this to match a user ID and password that is defined to your TADDM server. For example:
    sess = ApiFactory.getInstance().
          getSession(conn, "administrator", "collation",ApiSession.DEFAULT_VERSION);
  3. To compile the sample program, along with the other sample Java programs, complete the following steps:
    1. On UNIX systems:
      1. Change to the $COLLATION_HOME/sdk/examples/java directory.
      2. Make a build.sh executable:
        chmod +x build.sh
      3. Run the build command:
    2. On Windows:
      1. Change to the %COLLATION_HOME%\sdk\examples\java directory.
      2. Run the build command:

    If the SDK is installed separately from the TADDM server, make sure that javac is already in the path and available.

  4. Run the Java application using a command similar to the following example command:

    % java -Dcom.collation.home=$COLLATION_HOME/sdk FindXmlExample

    Alternatively, run the following command:

    run.sh FindXmlExample

    These commands run the sample program and retrieve the XML data from the TADDM server.