Update LPAR Controls
The Update LPAR Controls operation updates one or more of the writable values returned from the Get LPAR Controls operation. This is the same LPAR controls data that can be individually updated for a Logical Partition object using the Update Logical Partition Properties operation. This operation is supported using the BCPii interface.
HTTP method and URI
POST /api/cpcs/{cpc-id}/operations/update-lpar-controls
In this request, the URI variable {cpc-id} is the object ID of the target CPC object.
Request body contents
The request body is expected to contain an array of lpar-controls-info objects that contains the fields and new values that are to be updated. The request body can and should omit fields that are not to be changed by this operation. Fields for which no input value is provided remain unchanged by this operation. Each array element must contain at least one of the object-uri, object-id, or name fields. If more than one of these fields is specified, then they must be consistent, or the operation will be rejected.
The request body object is validated against the lpar-controls-info object definition and the current set of Logical Partition objects for the CPC to ensure that the request body contains only writable properties and the data types of those properties are as required. Object access permission for the associated Logical Partition object is required for any lpar-control-info object specified in the request body. If the request body is not valid, status code 400 (Bad Request) is returned with a reason code indicating the validation error encountered.
Authorization requirements
- For the web services interface:
- Action/task permission for the Image Details task.
- If the workload-manager-enabled, defined-capacity, absolute-processing-capping, absolute-ifl-capping, absolute-ziip-capping, or absolute-cf-capping properties are being updated then object-access permission to the CPC object designated by {cpc-id}.
- Object-access permission for any Logical Partition object that has an associated lpar-controls-info object in the request.
- For the BCPii interface:
- If the workload-manager-enabled, defined-capacity, absolute-processing-capping, absolute-ifl-capping, absolute-ziip-capping, or absolute-cf-capping properties are being updated then receive BCPii permission for the CPC object designated by {cpc-id}.
- Receive BCPii security permission for any Logical Partition object that has an associated lpar-controls-info object in the request.
HTTP status and reason codes
On success, the value of each corresponding property of the object is updated with the value provided by the input field, and status code 204 (No Content) is returned. When this operation changes the value of any property for which property-change notifications are due, those notifications are emitted asynchronously to this operation. It is important to note that all the updates are performed as a single transaction, which means that either all changes are made (success) or no changes are made (failure).
The following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors, and the response body is a standard error response body providing the reason code indicated and associated error message.
HTTP error status code | Reason code | Description |
400 (Bad Request) | Various | Errors were detected during common request validation. See Common request validation reason codes for a list of the possible reason codes. Note: This error status
is also used for the case when an inconsistent set of object-id, object-uri, or
name is specified.
403 (Forbidden) | 0 | The request used the BCPii interface and the source partition does not have receive BCPii security controls permission for the CPC object. |
1 | The API user does not have the required permission for this operation. | |
404 (Not Found) | 1 | The object-id, object-uri, or name in the request body does not designate an existing Logical Partition object. |
409 (Conflict | Various | Errors were detected during common request validation. See Common request validation reason codes for a list of the possible reason codes. |
0 | A general conflict was detected during common request validation. See the returned message field for details. |
Additional standard status and reason codes can be returned, as described in Invoking API operations.