DPM system overview

This metric group reports the aggregated processor usage, network usage, storage usage, accelerator usage, crypto usage, power consumption and temperature for each DPM enabled system.

Metric Group Name
Collection Interval
15 seconds
Applicable Managed Object Class

The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:

Table 1. DPM system overview metric group
Pos Metric field name Type Units Description
1 processor-usage Integer % The processor percent usage.
2 network-usage Integer % The network percent usage. Set to -1 if there are no adapters of this type.
3 storage-usage Integer % The storage percent usage. Set to -1 if there are no adapters of this type.
4 accelerator-usage Integer % The accelerator percent usage. Set to -1 if there are no adapters of this type.
5 crypto-usage Integer % The crypto percent usage. Set to -1 if there are no adapters of this type.
6 power-consumption-watts Integer Watts The power consumption in watts.
7 temperature-celsius Double Degrees Celsius The ambient temperature.
8 cp-shared-processor-usage Integer % The processor percent usage for all CP shared processors. Set to -1 if there are no processors of this type.
9 cp-all-processor-usage Integer % The processor percent usage for all CP processors. Set to -1 if there are no processors of this type.
10 ifl-shared-processor-usage Integer % The processor percent usage for all IFL shared processors. Set to -1 if there are no processors of this type.
11 ifl-all-processor-usage Integer % The processor percent usage for all IFL processors. Set to -1 if there are no processors of this type.
12 all-shared-processor-usage Integer % The processor percent usage for all shared processors. Set to -1 if there are no processors of this type.