List of I/O devices and control units

Usage notes:

The list does not completely describe every available control unit and device for CPCs that support the IOCP that this publication describes.

This document does not define all device requirements. It is meant to be a general reference guide for configuring nonspecific I/O devices. For information concerning the configuration of specific I/O devices, consult the device planning manuals associated with those devices. They contain the most current, accurate information concerning device configuration. Appendix D provides some information for some specific I/O devices, but do not consider this appendix the main or complete source for such information.

For the CPC, the tables in this chapter provide a list of I/O devices and show the keyword values you specify for the UNIT, MODEL, and STADET keywords in the IODEVICE statement. Also, they list the control units that attach to the I/O devices and show the keyword values you specify for the UNIT, SHARED, and PROTOCL keywords in the CNTLUNIT statement. Notes, which are referenced in the list of devices and control units, contain additional information for specific I/O devices and control units.

See Specifying IOCP statements for a full description of the IODEVICE and CNTLUNIT statements and the meanings of the keyword values shown in the tables in this chapter.

The following items are presented for your review of I/O devices and control units:
  1. IOCP might support devices that your operating system might not support.
  2. Your operating system might support devices that the IOCP described in this publication does not necessarily support.
  3. If you use the UNITADD keyword in the IODEVICE statement, you must follow the same rules and restrictions that apply to the last two digits of the ADDRESS parameter.
  4. If you specify the UNITADD parameter in the IODEVICE statement, the last two digits of the ADDRESS parameter can be different from the physical unit address of the device if you follow these rules:
    • All device rules for addressing must be followed.
    • For tape units and display devices, all unit addresses on a control unit must be consecutive and the lowest unit address must be modulo1 to the number of devices that can be attached to the control unit.
    • The lowest unit address on a string of DASDs must be modulo to the maximum string size.
Table 1. IOCP parameter values for IODEVICE and CNTLUNIT statements
IODEVICE statement CNTLUNIT statement
Direct access storage devices
3330 1, 2, 11 Y 1 3880 1, 2, 11 N D or S 2, 3
3330V   Y 4 3830 3 N D 4
3333 1, 11 Y   3880 1, 2, 11 N D or S 2, 3
3350   Y 1,5 3830 3 N D  
        3880 1, 2, 11 N D or S 2, 3
3350P   Y 1,5 3880 11 N D or S 2, 3, 6
3351P   Y 1,7 3880 21 N D or S 2, 3, 8
3375   Y   3880 1, 2 N D or S 2, 3
3380   Y   3880 2, 3 N D or S 2, 3
        3880 13 N S 2
        3880 21, 23 N S or S4 2
        3990 1 N S 2, 3
        3990 2 N S or S4 2, 28
        3990 3 N S4 2, 28
      49 2105 All     28, 50
3390   Y 24 3990 2,3,6 N S4 2, 28
      49 2105 All     28, 50
3851   Y   3851 All N D  
9345   Y   9341   N S or S4 31
        9343 All N S or S4 30, 31
Display devices
3178   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3179   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3180   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3251   Y   3258   Y D  
(by 3255)       5088   N D or S 12
3270 X   29,42 OSC        
3270 PC   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3277   Y   3272   N or Y D 11
        3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3278       3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3279       3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
3290       3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
5081 (by 5085)   Y 9 5088   N D or S 12
6580 (with 3270 feature)   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
PC (with 3277 feature)   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11, 36
1403 N1, 2, 7 Y   2821 1, 2, 3, 5 N D  
3170   Y   3170   N D, S, or S4  
3203 5 Y 17 3203 4 N D
3211 1 Y 18 3811 1 N D
3230 2 Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
3262 3, 13 Y   3272   N or Y D 10
      3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
3262 5 Y   3262   N D  
3268 2 Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
3286   Y   3272   N or Y D 10
        3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
3287   Y   3272   N or Y D 10
      3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
3289 2 Y   3272   N or Y D 10
    Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
3800 1, 3 Y 13, 14 3800   N D or S 12
3820   N   3820   N D  
3900   Y   3900   N D, S, or S4  
4100   Y   4100   N D, S, or S4  
4245   Y   4245   N D  
4248   Y   4248   N D  
4250   Y   3174, 3274   N or Y D 11
7374 (by 5085)   Y   5088   N D or S 12
7375 (by 5085)   Y   5088   N D or S 12
Magnetic tape units
3420 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Y 15 3803 1, 2 Y D 15
3422   Y   3422   Y D or S
3480   Y   3480   N D, S, or S4 25
3490   Y 39, 41, 46 3490 A0x, B0x, D3x N D, S, or S4 25, 28, 38
3490E   Y 40, 41, 46 3490E Ax0, Bx0, Cxx, D4x N D, S, or S4 25, 28, 38
3590   Y 45, 46 3590       28, 43
      40, 45, 46 3591       28, 43
Card readers and punches
2501 B1, B2 Y   2501 B1, B2 N D  
2540 1 Y 16 2821 1, 5, 6 N D  
3505   Y   3505 B1, B2 N D  
3525   Y   3505 B1, B2 N D  
Data transmission multiplexers
uuuuu   N 20 2701 1 N D  
3704   N 18 3704 All N D  
uuuuu   N 21 3704 All N D  
3705   N 18 3705 All N D  
(3274A)     18    
uuuuu   N 21 3705 All N D  
Communication controllers
3725   N 18 3725   N D  
uuuu   N 21 3725   N D  
3745   N 18 3745   N D or S  
      29, 42 OSN        
uuuu   N 21 3745   N D or S  
3746   N 44 3746   N D or S  
uuuu   N 44 3746   N D or S  
3791L   N 18 3791L   N D  
3791L, 3174   Y   RS6K, 3791L, 3174   N D, S, or S4  
(3174 SNA parallel channel)   N 18 3791L   N D or S  
(3174 Token Ring Gateway)   N 18, 37 3791L   Y D or S  
(3174 ISDN Gateway)   N 18, 37 3791L   Y D or S  
(3274A)   N 18 3791L   N D  
uuuu   Y 33 uuuu   N D 33
CTC   Y 19, 22 CTC   N D  
        3088 1, 2 N D, S, or S4 23
3172, CTC, 3088   Y   3172   N D, S, or S4 47
RS6K, CTC, 3088   Y   RS6K, CTC, 3088   N D, S, or S4  
3995   Y   3995   N D, S, or S4 28, 32
SCTC   Y 34 SCTC        
BCTC   Y 35 SCTC        
FCTC   Y 34 FCTC        
3848   Y   3848 1 N D or S  
CFS       CFS        
OSA     29, 42 OSA        
OSAD       OSA, OSN        
OSN     29, 42 OSN        
ESCON Directors
SWCH   Y 26 9032 All     27, 28, 48
        9033       27, 28, 48
        SWCH       27, 28, 48
FICON Directors
SWCH   Y 26 2032       27, 28
        2042       27, 28
        SWCH       27, 28
Table 2. z/OS considerations:

Several of the following notes apply to HCD only when migrating IOCP input (see Notes 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 33, 39, 40, and 49).

  1. IOCP generates only the specified number of devices. IOCP does not generate any extra devices based on the device type. You must specify all the devices that exist for the given device type.
  2. For the 3880, one CNTLUNIT statement must be specified for each Storage Director in the 3880. For the 3990, one CNTLUNIT statement must be specified for each multipath storage director in the 3990.
  3. Each channel path attaching to the 3880 Model 1, 2, 3, or 11 can operate independently in either data-streaming mode or offset interlock mode. The 3880 has eight channel speed control switches for setting the mode of operation. Regardless of the device types attached to the 3880: (a) set all 3880 channel speed control switches for channel paths attached to the CPC to data-streaming mode; (b) specify PROTOCL=S in the CNTLUNIT statements for each 3880 Storage Director. These actions allow the maximum data transfer rates and the use of longer cable lengths.

    The CPC requires all control units that attach a common device to the CPC to use the same interface protocol. Therefore, when both a 3880 and a 3830 attach a common device to the CPC, the user must specify PROTOCL=D on both the CNTLUNIT statement for the 3830 storage director and the CNTLUNIT statements for the attached 3880 Storage Directors. In this situation, you must set the 3880 channel speed control switches for the channel paths that attach the 3880 Storage Directors to the non-data-streaming mode.

  4. For the 3330V (virtual volumes for the MSS using 3350 devices as staging drives), you must also specify the 3851 in an IODEVICE statement and an associated CNTLUNIT statement.
  5. Specify UNIT=3350P for each 3350 that is attached to the paging storage director of a 3880 Model 11.

    Specify UNIT=3350 for each 3350 that is attached to the non-paging storage director of a 3880 Model 11, to a 3880 Model 1 or 2, or to a 3830.

  6. Specify UNITADD=((aa,32)). Bits 3-7 of the binary value of the byte representing aa must be zeros.

    To identify the paging storage director of a 3880 Model 11 in the configuration reports, you can specify UNIT=3880P. The non-paging storage director of a 3880 Model 11 can be specified UNIT=3880.

  7. Specify UNIT=3351P for each 3350 that is attached to the paging storage director of a 3880 Model 21.
  8. Specify UNITADD=((aa,16)). Bits 4-7 of the binary value of the byte representing aa must be zeros.

    To identify the paging storage director of a 3880 Model 21 in the configuration reports, you can specify UNIT=3880P. The non-paging storage director of a 3880 Model 21 can be specified UNIT=3880.

  9. When you are using the 5081 in a 3250 compatibility mode, specify the 5081 as UNIT=2250, MODEL=3. When you are using the 5081 in full function mode, specify the 5080 as UNIT=HFGD. For more information, see Graphics Access Method/System Product: Initialization, Resource Definition, and Customization, SC33-0141.

    The 5088 device can run either in DC interlock protocol or in data-streaming protocol, depending on the channel. Ensure that the interface protocol specified matches the protocol specified in the 5088.

  10. For a 3272 attached to a block-multiplexer channel path, use SHARED=Y if multiple devices are attached to the control unit. SHARED=N is required if a 3272 is attached to a byte multiplexer channel path.

    When multiple devices are attached to the control unit and SHARED=N is specified, the possibility of additional processor use in the control program increases because of deferred condition code 1 I/O interruptions. If a single device is attached to the control unit, SHARED=N can be specified without increasing the processor use in the control program for interruption processing.

  11. For a 3174 or 3274 attached to a block-multiplexer channel path, use SHARED=Y if multiple devices are attached to the control unit. If necessary, you can specify SHARED=N when multiple devices are attached to the control unit. However, specifying SHARED=N might result in a control unit malfunction or increase the possibility of additional processor use in the control program resulting from deferred condition code 1 I/O interruptions.

    If a single device is attached to the control unit (as is always the case for the 3174 (SNA) or 3274 Model 1A), SHARED=N can be specified and does not increase the processor use in the control program for interruption processing.

  12. The control unit can run in either DC interlock protocol or data-streaming protocol, depending on the channel. Ensure that the interface protocol specified matches the protocol specified in the CNTLUNIT statement.
  13. Attach the 3800 to a block-multiplexer channel (TYPE=CVC) for best system performance.
  14. Specify TIMEOUT=Y when IBM-supplied programs are used with the 3800. Non-IBM programs might require TIMEOUT=N for the 3800 because I/O requests might require more than 4 seconds to complete.
  15. If the magnetic tape subsystem contains two to four control units that access the same group of magnetic tape units, define each control unit separately. Each of the control units must have a different channel path identifier, but all of the control units must specify the same address range. Specify in the IODEVICE statement that the magnetic tape units are attached to all of the control units. (The magnetic tape units might actually be only logically attached, but they are specified as though they are physically attached.)
  16. For HCD users, specify the 2540 with two IODEVICE statements: one with UNIT=2540R, the other with UNIT=2540P. See Table 2..
  17. For HCD users, for the 3203, only the Model 5 is supported. See Table 2.
  18. For HCD users, a 3174 (SNA) or 3274 Model A is specified as a 3791L in the IODEVICE statement. See Table 2.
  19. For the channel-to-channel adapter (CTCA), specify TIMEOUT=N because I/O sequences on the CTCA might require more than 4 seconds to complete. Because TIMEOUT=N, the CTCA cannot be attached to a byte multiplexer channel path.
  20. For HCD users, in the UNIT parameter, you can specify any device or line that is attached to the 2701. See Table 2.
  21. For HCD users, in the UNIT parameter, you can specify any device or line that is attached to the 3704, 3705, 3725, and 3745. (This statement applies only to emulation program [EP] mode and byte multiplexer mode.) See Table 2.
  22. For a 3088, specify UNITADD=b0 and ADDRESS=(aaa,n), where n=32 or n=64, depending on the number of unit addresses required.
  23. For a 3088, specify UNITADD=((a0,n)), where n=32 or n=64, depending on the number of unit addresses required.
  24. For HCD users, the UNIT type must indicate the mode of operation for the device. If the device is set to 3380 track compatibility mode, use UNIT=3380. See Table 2.
  25. For a 3480 (all models) or a 3490 or 3490E (Models Axx or Bxx), specify UNITADD=((a0,16)).
  26. For 2032, 2042, 9032, 9033, and SWCH, always code UNITADD=00.
  27. For 2032, 2042, 9032, 9033, and SWCH, always code LINK=FE.
  28. The 2105, 3490, 3490E, 3590, 3591, 3990, 3995, 9032, 9033, and SWCH control units require the unit address range to begin with 00 for ESCON channel paths CNC and FCV. The 2032, 2042, 2105, and 3590 control units require the unit address range to begin with 00 for FICON channel path type FC. The 3990 requires the unit address range to begin with X'10' or X'20' if DASD string 0 is not installed. For more information, see 3990 Storage Control Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide, GA32-0100.
  29. For devices assigned to OSC, OSD, OSE, OSM, OSN, or OSX channel paths, do not specify the STADET keyword because it is ignored.
  30. Specify one CNTLUNIT statement for each storage cluster in the IBM 9340 Direct Access Storage Subsystem.
  31. Specify UNITADD =((nn,32)). Bits 3-7 of the binary value of the byte representing nn must be zeros.
  32. Specify UNITADD=((a0,8)) or, if a Model 111 or Model 112 expansion unit is attached, specify UNITADD=((a0,16)), where a is any hexadecimal digit unless the channel paths are ESCON. For ESCON channel paths, specify UNITADD=((00,8)) or UNITADD=((00,16)).
  33. For HCD users, you can program a Series/1 to emulate a control unit with devices. In the CNTLUNIT statement, specify in the UNIT keyword the type of control unit being emulated. In the IODEVICE statement, specify in the UNIT keyword the type of device being emulated. See Table 2.
  34. If you specify UNIT=SCTC for devices assigned to ESCON CTC channels, the I/O subsystem uses extended mode CTC. The I/O subsystem always uses extended mode CTC for devices assigned to FICON CTC control units.
  35. To run applications that require parallel basic mode CTC support using ESCON channels, specify UNIT=BCTC. Only the ESCON CTC channel end of the ESCON CTC connection needs the UNIT=BCTC specification. If UNIT=BCTC is not specified, the I/O subsystem uses extended mode CTC.
  36. The description is valid only for devices on channel-attached non-SNA 3174s and 3274s. Devices on channel-attached SNA 3x74s are not defined separately so only the SNA control unit must be coded in an IODEVICE statement. See the Communication Controllers section in Table 1.
  37. 3174s operating as a Token Ring or ISDN gateway must have only one IODEVICE and one CNTLUNIT statement. The number value must be coded for both the ADDRESS= parameter in the IODEVICE statement and the UNITADD= parameter in the CNTLUNIT statement to match the address range the 3174 gateway supports.
  38. For a 3490 or 3490E (Models Cxx or Dxx), specify UNITADD=((a0,2)).
  39. For HCD users, specify UNIT=3480. See Table 2.
  40. For HCD users, specify UNIT=3490. See Table 2.
  41. For a 3490 or 3490E (Models Axx or Bxx) that is part of a 3495 Tape Library Dataserver, specify UNITADD=b0 and ADDRESS=(aaa,16) regardless of the number of devices installed. For a 3490E (Models Cxx) that is part of a 3494 Tape Library Dataserver, specify UNITADD=b0 and ADDRESS=(aaa,2).
  42. For information about configuring devices for OSA channels, see OSA configuration considerations.
    Note: OSA channels identify themselves as machine type 1730.

    For further information about OSA configuration requirements for client server applications, see Open Systems Adapter-Express Integrated Console Controller User's Guide, SA22-7935. For additional information about OSA-ICC configuration requirements, see Open Systems Adapter-Express Customer's Guide and Reference, SA22-7990.

  43. For a 3590 or 3591, specify UNITADD=((00,4)). For a 3590 Model A60, specify UNITADD=((00,x)), where x is the number of devices supported by the tape controller regardless of the number of devices installed.
  44. See the following documents for information about the 3746:
    • 3745 Communication Controller Model A and 3746 Nways Multiprotocol Controller Models 900 and 950 Planning Series: ESCON Channels, GA27-4237
    • 3745 Communication Controller Model A and 3746 Nways Multiprotocol Controller Models 900 and 950 Planning Series: Overview, Installation, and Integration, GA27-4234.
  45. For a 3590 that is part of a 3494 or 3495 Tape Library Dataserver, specify UNITADD=00 and ADDRESS=(aaa,4) regardless of the number of devices installed. For a 3590 Model A60, specify UNITADD=00 and ADDRESS=(aaa,x) where x is the number of devices supported by the tape controller regardless of the number of devices installed.
  46. For a 3490 Model A02 and a 3490E Model A20, specify a preferred path for each device so that the devices are divided between the two control unit functions. For example, you can specify the devices with even unit addresses to have preferred paths to the first control unit and unit addresses with odd unit addresses to have preferred paths to the second control unit. Also, if a control unit function has multiple paths, assign the paths equally as preferred paths to the devices.

    For a 3590, all 3490 models other than A02 and all 3490E models other than A20 do not specify a preferred path.

  47. Specify UNITADD=((nn,8)).
  48. For maximum availability of a control unit attached to an ESCON Director (including the control unit associated with LINK address FE), consider these guidelines in the following order of priority:
    • Attach each channel path from the same CPC to separate ESCON Directors
    • Attach each channel path to a separate port card quadrant in the ESCON Director
    • Attach each channel path within the same quadrant to a separate port card in the ESCON Director.
  49. For HCD users with 3380 format devices attached to a 2105, you can specify 3380 parallel access volume (PAV) base devices as 3380B and aliases as 3380A. For 3390 format devices attached to a 2105, you can specify 3390 PAV base devices as 3390B and aliases as 3390A.
  50. For the 2105, one CNTLUNIT statement must be specified for each logical subsystem (LSS). Specify the CUADD keyword with a value that matches the CU image address associated with the LSS.
1 Modulo means that the unit address must be evenly divisible by the number of devices in hexadecimal. For example, for 16 devices, the last digit of the unit address must be 0. For four devices, the last digit must be 0, 4, 8, or C.