Delete LDAP Server Definition

The Delete LDAP Server Definition operation deletes an LDAP Server Definition object designated by its element ID.

HTTP method and URI

DELETE /api/console/ldap-server-definitions/{ldap-server-definition-id}

In this request, the URI variable {ldap-server-definition-id} is the element ID of the LDAP Server Definition object to be deleted.


This operation removes a specified LDAP Server Definition from the console. The LDAP Server Definition is identified by the {ldap-server-definition-id} variable in the URI.

Upon successfully removing the LDAP Server Definition, HTTP status code 204 (No Content) is returned and no response body is provided.

The URI path must designate an existing LDAP Server Definition object; otherwise, status code 404 (Not Found) is returned. In addition, the API user must have action/task permission to the Manage LDAP Server Definitions task; otherwise, status code 403 (Forbidden) is returned. If any user is defined to use the specified LDAP Server Definition, the request fails and HTTP status code 409 (Conflict) is returned.

Authorization requirements

This operation has the following authorization requirement:
  • Action/task permission to the Manage LDAP Server Definitions task.

HTTP status and reason codes

On success, HTTP status code 204 (No Content) is returned and no response body is provided.

The following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors, and the response body is a standard error response body providing the reason code indicated and associated error message.

HTTP error status code Reason code Description
400 (Bad Request) Various Errors were detected during common request validation. See Common request validation reason codes for a list of the possible reason codes.
403 (Forbidden) 1 The API user does not have the required permission for this operation.
404 (Not Found) 1 The request URI does not designate an existing resource of the correct type or the API user has no access permission to it.
409 (Conflict) 317 The object cannot be deleted at this time. One or more users or User Patterns has this LDAP Server Definition.

Additional standard status and reason codes can be returned, as described in Invoking API operations.

Example HTTP interaction

Figure 1. Delete LDAP Server Definition: Request
DELETE /api/console/ldap-server-definitions/ece481ca-4a7a-11e4-8777-1c6f65065a91 
x-api-session: 2t4ixcf8nplr7yersi8i9b953fgxvvqxl8c4r066ge9kcyzr4c
Figure 2. Delete LDAP Server Definition: Response
204 No Content
server: zSeries management console API web server / 2.0
cache-control: no-cache
date: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:27:34 GMT

<No response body>