Class specific additional properties

In addition to the properties defined through included schemas, this object includes the following additional class-specific properties:

Table 1. Storage Fabric object: class specific properties
Name Qualifier Type Description
cpc-uri String/ URI The canonical URI path of the CPC object associated with the FICON® configuration in which this storage fabric object resides.
storage-switch-uris (c)(pc) Array of String/ URI

The list of storage switches that comprise this storage fabric. Each element in this array is the canonical URI path of a Storage Switch object.

The value of this property will change, and property change notifications will be emitted, when storage switch objects are defined or undefined.

high-integrity (w)(pc) Boolean Indicates whether this fabric had been configured as a high integrity fabric.

If this fabric contains switches that exist in different storage sites, this value will be true and cannot be written.

Default value: false