On/Off CoD

With On/Off CoD upgrades, in most cases, there will not be problems because applying permanent upgrades will convert On/Off CoD engines of the same type to permanent engines.

For example, suppose you are running an IBM® z16 at model capacity 735 with 4 temporary CP engines active. (See Figure 1.) Then you apply a 2 CP permanent upgrade. The upgrade process will convert 2 of the temporary CP engines to permanent engines and leave 2 temporary CP engines active. (See Figure 2.)

Note: In the tables that follow, each box represents a model capacity by its software model and approximate MSU value. The permanent model capacity is shown in bold text with a thick solid border. Temporary model capacity is shown with a thick dashed border. The permanent upgrade is represented by an arrow from original model capacity to the new model capacity. Invalid configuration changes are shown by an X.
Figure 1. On/Off CoD configuration before permanent upgrade - successful upgrade
On/Off CoD configuration before permanent upgrade - successful upgrade
Figure 2. On/Off CoD configuration after permanent upgrade - successful upgrade
On/Off CoD configuration after permanent upgrade - successful upgrade

Scenario 1: Are there sufficient number of engines on the system?

This scenario describes when there is an insufficient number of engines of the same type available on the system to apply a permanent upgrade with On/Off CoD active.

Suppose you are running an IBM z16 Max39 (ie. 39 available PUs) at model capacity 735 with 4 temporary CP engines active. (See Figure 1.) Then you try to apply a 2 IFL upgrade. Because all engines on the system are active and the temporary engines are a different engine type, you will not be able to apply the upgrade without first deactivating 2 of the temporary CP engines.

Scenario 2: Will the permanent upgrade result in a higher subcapacity level than the On/Off CoD upgrade subcapacity level?

This scenario describes when On/Off CoD is active at a subcapacity level and you try to apply a permanent upgrade resulting in a higher subcapacity level. This scenario will not prevent you from completing your permanent upgrade, however, the resulting configuration may be different than expected.

On/Off CoD upgrades cannot activate capacity below the permanent subcapacity level. If the permanent capacity level is 6xx, then On/Off CoD upgrades can only be applied that add additional engines at the 6xx level, or that move to the 7xx level. On/Off CoD upgrades cannot change the subcapacity level to a 5xx or 4xx. When a permanent upgrade is applied when an On/Off CoD upgrade is active, if the subcapacity level of the permanent upgrade is greater than the capacity level of the current On/Off CoD upgrade, then the On/Off CoD upgrade's capacity level is increased to the permanent upgrade's subcapacity level.

Suppose you are running an IBM z16 at model capacity 631 with 4 temporary CP engines active. (See Figure 3). Then you apply a permanent CP upgrade to a 732. Because the On/Off CoD record would now be at a lower capacity level than the permanent upgrade, the temporary subcapacity level is increased to a 735, a 47% increase in capacity, and 1 temporary CP engine is converted to a permanent engine. (See Figure 4.)

If this increase in capacity and, therefore, the potential extra charges resulting from the higher capacity was not intended, you should either deactivate your On/Off CoD capacity or change to the desired subcapacity level before applying the permanent upgrade. In this instance, if the 732 level were still not enough capacity, then a change to the 733 level would be the next closest level.

Figure 3. On/Off CoD configuration before permanent upgrade - subcapacity level
On/Off CoD configuration before permanent upgrade - subcapacity level
Figure 4. On/Off CoD configuration after permanent upgrade - subcapacity level
On/Off CoD configuration after permanent upgrade - subcapacity level

Scenario 3: Are you trying to upgrade engines and downgrade engines when applying a permanent upgrade?

This scenario describes when On/Off CoD is active and the permanent record you try to apply is a mixture of upgrading engines and downgrading engines.

When a permanent upgrade increases the capacity level or number of engines of one type, and decreases the capacity level or number of engines of another type, On/Off CoD temporary engines are not converted from temporary to permanent. Instead the total number of temporary engines active will remain the same.

Suppose you are running at capacity level 708, (permanent capacity level of 705 plus 3 temporary CP engines) and 1 zIIP. Then you apply a permanent upgrade to add 3 CPs and 1 IFL, and remove 1 zIIP. The permanent upgrade results in running at capacity level 711 (permanent capacity level of 708 plus 3 temporary CP engines) and 1 IFL. The 3 temporary CP engines are not converted to permanent resources because the permanent upgrade contained a mixture of upgrading and downgrading resources.