Adapter operations summary

The following table provides an overview of the operations provided for Adapter objects.

Table 1. DPM - Adapter: operations summary
Operation name HTTP method and URI path
List Adapters of a CPC GET /api/cpcs/{cpc-id}/adapters
List Permitted Adapters GET /api/console/operations/list-permitted-adapters
Get Adapter Properties GET /api/adapters/{adapter-id}
Update Adapter Properties POST /api/adapters/{adapter-id}}
Change Crypto Type POST /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/operations/change-crypto-type
Create Hipersocket POST /api/cpcs/{cpc-id}/adapters
Delete Hipersocket DELETE /api/adapters/{adapter-id}
Get Partitions Assigned to Adapter GET /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/operations/get-partitions-assigned-to-adapter
Get Network Port Properties GET /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/network-ports/{network-port-id}
Update Network Port Properties POST /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/network-ports/{network-port-id}
Get Storage Port Properties GET /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/storage-ports/{storage-port-id}
Update Storage Port Properties POST /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/storage-ports/{storage-port-id}
Change Adapter Type POST /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/operations/change-adapter-type
Update Adapter Firmware POST /api/adapters/{adapter-id}/operations/update-firmware
Table 2. DPM - Adapter: URI variables
Variable Description
{cpc-id} Object ID of a CPC object.
{adapter-id} Object ID of an Adapter object.
{network-port-id} Element ID of a Network Port element object.
{storage-port-id} Element ID of a Storage Port element object.