Shared nested objects

Some of the Core API objects share common nested objects and are documented here for ease of reference.

Table 1. ec-mcl-description object
Field name Type Description
actions Array of action objects An optional array of pending action objects. This field is not provided when the EC MCL information pertains to the HMC. When the EC MCL information pertains to an SE, this field is only provided when the HMC is communicating with the CPC's SE, and this field will be null if the information is currently unavailable or there are no pending actions.
ec Array of ec objects An optional array of EC objects. When the EC MCL information pertains to an SE, this field is only provided when the HMC is communicating with the CPC's SE, and this field will be null if the information is currently unavailable.
lic-control-level String (1-4) or String Enum An optional field containing the Licensed Internal Code control level or a string enumeration value indicating this information is not available.
The possible string enumeration values are:
  • "not-available" - The LIC control level is not present on the hard disk drive (HDD) of the system.

When the EC MCL information pertains to an SE, this information can only be retrieved when the HMC is communicating with the CPC's SE; therefore, this field will be null if the information could not be retrieved.

driver-level String (1-4) or String Enum An optional field containing the driver level of the installed code or a string enumeration value containing information about why this information is not available.
The possible string enumeration values are:
  • "not-available" - The installed driver level is not present on the hard disk drive (HDD) of the system.
  • "not-service-authority" - the API user doesn't have service authority.
  • "unable-to-determine" - the attempt to obtain EC information from the CPC returned no data. This value is only applicable when the EC MCL information pertains to a CPC.

When the EC MCL information pertains to a CPC, this information can only be retrieved when the HMC is communicating with the CPC's SE; therefore, this field will be null if the information could not be retrieved.

bundle-level String (1-4) or String Enum An optional field containing the bundle level of the installed code or a string enumeration value indicating this information is not available.
The possible string enumeration values are:
  • "not-available" - the installed bundle level is not present on the hard disk drive (HDD) of the system.

When the EC MCL information pertains to an CPC, this information can only be retrieved when the HMC is communicating with the CPC's SE; therefore, this field will be null if the information could not be retrieved.

arom-info String Enum An optional field indicating if the system was loaded with a CDU (Concurrent Driver Upgrade) EC AROM in the form of a string enumeration value.
The possible string enumeration values are:
  • "concurrent-engineering-changes-arom"- the system was loaded with a CDU EC AROM.
  • "engineering-changes-arom" - the system was not loaded with a CDU EC AROM. When the EC MCL information pertains to a CPC, this value will also be returned if an error occurred when trying to determine if the system was loaded with a CDU EC AROM.
  • "not-available" - An error occurred when trying to determine if the target HMC was loaded with a CDU EC AROM. This value is only applicable when the EC MCL information pertains to the HMC.

When the EC MCL information pertains to an CPC, this information can only be retrieved when the HMC is communicating with the CPC's SE; therefore, this field will be null if the information could not be retrieved.

Table 2. action object
Field name Type Description
type String Enum One of:
  • "channel-config" - channels pending a config on/off
  • "coupling-facility-reactivation" - at least one coupling facility pending reactivation
  • "power-on-reset-tracking" - there is a need for a power-on-reset
activation String Enum One of:
  • "current" - the action is for the current activation
  • "next" - the action is for the next install and activation.
pending Boolean Is the action pending (true) or not pending (false)
Table 3. ec object
Field name Type Description
number String (1-6) Engineering Change stream identifier.
part-number String (1-8) Engineering Change stream part number.
type String (1-32) Engineering Change stream name.
description String (1-65) Engineering Change stream descriptive text.
mcl Aray of mcl objects The list of MicroCode Levels for this Engineering Change.
Table 4. mcl object
Field name Type Description
type String Enum One of:
  • "retrieved" - a retrieved or staged level
  • "activated" - an activated or applied level
  • "accepted" - a committed level
  • "installable-concurrent" - a non-disruptive apply-able level
  • "removable-concurrent" - a non-disruptive reject-able level.
level String (1-3) Microcode level.
last-update Timestamp Time stamp of the last update, in the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC. A null object is returned if no updates have occurred.
Table 5. stp-config object
Field name Type Description
stp-id String (0-8) If in STP-only or Mixed CTN, the STP identifier. Otherwise, an empty string. Valid characters are 0-9, a-z, A-Z, underscore(_) and dash(-).
etr-id Integer (0-31) ETR Identifier, if in ETR mode. If not in ETR mode, a null object is returned.
preferred-time-server stp-node-object Describes the Preferred Timer Server. This property is optional, only returned on a Get request when the information is set.
backup-time-server stp-node-object Describes the Backup Timer Server. This property is optional, only returned on a Get request when the information is set.
arbiter stp-node-object Describes the arbiter of the CTN. This property is optional, only returned on a Get request when the information is set.
current-time-server String Enum Describes the CPC's role in the CTN. One of:
  • "preferred" - CPC is the Preferred Time Server
  • "backup" - CPC is the Backup Time Server.

This object is used to identify a CPC to the STP services. When used as input on the Set STP Configuration operation, if the object-uri field is not provided, all other fields are required with the exception of the target-name and node-name fields which are ignored for the set operation. If the object-uri field is provided, all other fields are optional. If all fields are provided, the object-uri field is ignored.

Table 6. stp-node object
Field name Type Description
object-uri String URI If the CPC is known to the HMC, contains the CPC's object-uri. Otherwise, contains a null object
type String (0-6) The CPC machine type, right justified and left padded with zeros or a empty string
model String (0-3) The CPC machine model or a empty string
manuf String (0-3) The CPC manufacturer or a empty string
po-manuf String (0-2) The CPC plant of manufacturer or a empty string
seq-num String (0-12) The CPC sequence number or a empty string
node-name String (1-8) The CPC name
target-name String (1-17) The value that must be used on the X-API-Target-Name request header when performing an operation on this object.
Note: This property is only returned when the BCPii interface was used for the request and the object-uri is not null.
Table 7. psw-description object
Field name Type Description
psw String Program Status Word (PSW) information for a single processor.
cpid String (2) The hexadecimal processor identifier, right justified and left padded with zeros.
Table 8. zaware-network object
Field name Type Description
chpid String (2) The required network adapter channel path identifier, in hexadecimal characters 0-9,a-f,A-F. The format is two hexadecimal digits (00-FF).
ipaddr-type String Enum Indicates how this network adapter's IP address is obtained. One of the following values:
  • "dhcp" - obtains an IP address through DHCP
  • "link-local" - obtains a link-local IP address
  • "static" - uses the specified IP address information.
vlan-id Integer (0-4094) If this network adapter is attached to a Virtual LAN, this field contains the VLAN identifier. Otherwise, a null object indicating that this network adapter is not attached to a Virtual LAN.
static-ip-info network-ip-info object When ipaddr-type is "static", contains the static IP information. Otherwise, contains a null object indicating that a static IP address is not used.
Table 9. ssc-network object
Field name Type Description
chpid String (2) The required network adapter channel path identifier, in hexadecimal characters 0-9,a-f,A-F. The format is two hexadecimal digits (00-FF).
port Integer The number of the port on the network adapter identified by chpid.

When the associated Support Element is at Version 2.13.1 or earlier, this property is not returned on a Get operation, and it cannot be specified on an Update operation.

ipaddr-type String Enum Indicates how this network adapter's IP address is obtained. One of the following values:
  • "dhcp" - obtains an IP address through DHCP
  • "link-local" - obtains a link-local IP address
  • "static" - uses the IP address information specified in static-ip-info.
vlan-id Integer (0-4094) If this network adapter is attached to a Virtual LAN, this field contains the VLAN identifier. Otherwise, a null object indicating that this network adapter is not attached to a Virtual LAN.
static-ip-info network-ip-info object When ipaddr-type is "static", contains the static IP information. Otherwise, contains a null object indicating that a static IP address is not used.
Table 10. ip-info object
Field name Type Description
type String Enum The type of IP address being provided. One of the following values:
  • "ipv4" - an IPv4 address is provided
  • "ipv6" - an IPv6 address is provided.
ip-address String/IPV4 address or String/IPV6 address The IP address to be used. The format of the string (IPv4 or IPv6) must be as indicated by the type field.
Table 11. network-ip-info object
Field name Type Description
type String Enum The type of IP address being provided. One of the following values:
  • "ipv4" - an IPv4 address is provided
  • "ipv6" - an IPv6 address is provided.
ip-address String/IPV4 address or String/IPV6 address The IP address to be used. The format of the string (IPv4 or IPv6) must be as indicated by the type field.
prefix Integer The number of leading bits of ip-address that represent the network prefix.
  • When type is "ipv4" - valid values are 0-32
  • When type is "ipv6" - valid values are 0-128.
Table 12. absolute-capping object
Field name Type Description
type String Enum The type of absolute capping. One of the following values:
  • "none" - no absolute capping
  • "processors" - processor type absolute capping.
value Float When type is "none", value is not specified. When type is "processors", value is in the range .01...255.00 in increments of .01 and is the limit of usage independent of priority.