HTTP status codes
The HMC API provides standard HTTP status codes in the response to requests to indicate the success or failure of the request. Unless stated otherwise in the description of an operation, the following general interpretations of the status code values apply.
HTTP status code | Description/Causes |
200 (OK) | The request has succeeded completely. A response body is provided that contains the results of the request. |
201 (Created) | The request has succeeded completely and resulted in the creation of a new managed resource/object. The URI for the newly created managed resource is provided in a Location header. (POST methods only) |
202 (Accepted) | The request was successfully validated and has been accepted to be carried out asynchronously. |
204 (No Content) | The request succeeded completely, and no additional response information is provided. |
400 (Bad Request) | The request was missing required input, had errors in the provided input, or included extraneous input. Additional information regarding the error is provided in an error response body that includes a reason code with additional information. |
403 (Forbidden) | Multiple error conditions result in this status code:
404 (Not Found) | The URI does not designate an extant resource, or designates a resource for which the API user does not have object-access permission. |
405 (Method Not Allowed) | The request specifies an HTTP method that is not valid for the designated URI. |
406 (Not Acceptable) | The Accept header for the request does not include at least one content representation supported by the Web Services API. |
409 (Conflict) | The managed resource is in an incorrect state (status) for performing the requested operation. Additional information regarding the error is provided in an error response body that includes a reason code with additional information. |
413 (Request Entity Too Large) | The request includes a request body that is too large. Unless a different limit is specified for a particular operation, in general the largest request body accepted by the API is 64 KB. |
415 (Unsupported Media Type) | The Content-Type header for the request specifies a representation that is not supported by the Web Services API. |
500 (Server Error) | A server error occurred during processing of the request. |
501 (Not Implemented) | The request specifies an HTTP method that is not recognized by the server (for
any resource). Note: The response body that accompanies this error is not a JSON response body as
defined in Error response bodies.
503 (Service Unavailable) | The request could not be carried out by the HMC due to some temporary condition. |
504 (Gateway Timeout) | A time out occurred trying to route a BCPii originated request to a remote system. |
505 (HTTP Version Not Supported) | The request specifies an HTTP protocol version that is not supported by the Web Services API. |