Class specific additional properties

In addition to the properties defined through included schemas, this object includes the following additional class-specific properties:

Table 1. Storage Subsystem object: class specific properties
Name Qualifier Type Description
connection-endpoints (c)(pc) Array of subsystem-connection-endpoint objects

Array of subsystem-connection-endpoint objects, described in the next table. A subsystem connection endpoint describes a switch or adapter to which this storage subsystem is physically connected.

There can be at most 64 connection endpoints configured to a single storage subsystem.

The value of this property will change, and property change notifications will be emitted, when endpoints are added and removed through the Add Connection Endpoint and Remove Connection Endpoint operations.

storage-control-unit-uris (c)(pc) Array of String/ URI

The list of storage control units defined within the storage subsystem. Each element in this array is the canonical URI path of a Storage Control Unit object.

The value of this property will change, and property change notifications will be emitted, when storage control units are defined or undefined through the Define Storage Control Unit and Undefine Storage Control Unit operations

storage-site-uri (pc) String/ URI

The canonical URI of the storage site associated with this storage subsystem.

The value of this property will change, and property change notifications will be emitted, when the storage switch is moved from one storage site to another through the Move Storage Subsystem to Storage Site operation.

A connection endpoint defines a storage switch or adapter to which a storage subsystem is physically connected.

Table 2. subsystem-connection-endpoint nested object properties
Name Qualifier Type Description
endpoint-class String Enum

The class of the object identified by endpoint-uri. Values:

  • "adapter" – The storage subsystem is directly connected to an adapter.
  • "storage-switch" – The storage subsystem is connected to a storage switch.
endpoint-uri String/ URI The canonical URI path for the Storage Switch or Adapter object to which this subsystem is connected.
port-id String (2)

A two-character lowercase hexadecimal number that represents the switch port.

This value will be null if endpoint-uri references an Adapter object.