Summary of tasks for managing systems, adapters, and partitions

DPM tasks are available starting with HMC/SE Version 2.13.1. Summary of tasks for managing systems, adapters, and partitions provides an alphabetical summary of DPM tasks and other tasks that you might use to work with a DPM-enabled system, partitions, storage groups, and adapters.
  • For more information about each task, see the online help on the HMC or SE.
  • To use specific tasks, you need to log into the HMC or SE with a specific default user ID, or with a user ID that a system administrator has authorized to the task through customization controls in the User Management task. For information about authorization requirements for DPM tasks, see DPM task and resource roles.
  • These tasks can be accomplished programmatically as well, through the HMC Web Services application programming interfaces (APIs) for DPM. For information about the DPM APIs, see the appropriate edition of Hardware Management Console Web Services API, which is available on IBM Documentation. Go to, select IBM Z or IBM LinuxONE, then select your configuration, and click Library Overview on the navigation bar.
Table 1. Summary of key HMC/SE tasks and displays for working with DPM-enabled systems, partitions, and adapters
Task name Icon On HMC or SE Description
Configure Partition Links This icon displays a two-frame system HMC Use the Configure Partition Links task to create and manage partition links, each of which interconnects two or more partitions that share the same network configuration and reside on the same system. Depending on the version of DPM that is installed on the system, you can create and manage one or more of the following partition link types: FICON CTC, HiperSockets, or SMC-D.
Note: Support for HiperSockets is available in prior releases of DPM; however, starting with DPM R5.2, this task becomes the primary task for creating and managing HiperSockets network connections. For more information, see The HiperSockets user experience with DPM R5.2.
Configure Storage This icon displays a two-frame system HMC Use the Configure Storage task to initially connect a system to storage devices, request storage resources for one or more partitions to use, and to view or modify the current storage configuration. This task is available for use only when the DPM R3.1 storage management feature or a later DPM version is applied to the system.
Customize Scheduled Operations This icon depicts a file/operations with a disk. Both

Use the Customize Scheduled Operations task to customize a schedule for selected DPM-enabled systems. Scheduled operations are helpful for situations where automatic, delayed, or repetitious processing of system operations is necessary.

A scheduled operation is started at a specified time, without operator assistance to perform the operation. A schedule can be set for one operation or repeated many times.

Delete Partition This icon shows a trash can HMC

Use the Delete Partition task to delete the definition associated with one or more selected partitions on aDPM-enabled system.

Disable Dynamic Partition Manager This icon shows an off switch SE only

Use the Disable Dynamic Partition Manager task to disable DPM, remove all partitions, and unconfigure all adapters from the system.

Dump (Partition) This icon shows a magnifying glass HMC

Use the Dump task to initiate a partition dump by booting a stand-alone dump program on a DPM-enabled system.

Enable Dynamic Partition Manager This icon shows an on switch SE only

Use the Enable Dynamic Partition Manager task to enable DPM for the system. For systems prior to the IBM z16 (3931), you also use this task to identify the dedicated OSA-Express 1000BASE-T Ethernet adapters for system management (OSM). Starting with DPM R5.0 and 3931 systems, these OSM adapters are no longer required.

Getting Started with Dynamic Partition Manager This icon shows a compass HMC

Use the Getting Started with Dynamic Partition Manager task for quick links to the Manage Adapters and New Partition tasks, along with step-by-step instructions for using the New Partition task in basic mode. The Getting Started with Dynamic Partition Manager task also provides an overview of DPM concepts, with links to additional reference information.

Integrated 3270 Console This icon shows the relationship between the HMC and the 3270 HMC

Use the Integrated 3270 Console task to log on to a z/VM® hypervisor that is running in a DPM partition.

Integrated ASCII Console This icon shows the relationship between the HMC and the ASCII console HMC

Use the Integrated ASCII Console task to log on to a Linux® operating system.

Manage Adapters This icon shows an adapter card HMC
Use the Manage Adapters task to view and customize the adapters and devices of an DPM-enabled system. If the DPM R3.1 storage management feature or a later DPM version is applied to the system, use the Configure Storage task to manage storage adapters and devices.
Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, although you can continue to view HiperSockets details through this task, other HiperSockets functions (create, edit, delete) in this task are disabled. The only exception: you can reassign the channel path identifier (CHPID) of the HiperSockets adapter through Manage Adapters > Reassign Channel Path IDs.
  • – Adapter Details
This icon shows a wheel cog HMC

Use the Adapter Details task to view or modify the adapter settings of the selected adapter.

  • – Create Hipersockets Adapter
This icon shows a four connected circles HMC

Use the Create Hipersockets Adapter task to create an adapter and switch for HiperSockets, which are virtual adapters that provide high-speed communications between partitions within a single system, without the need for any physical cabling or external networking connections.

Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, this task is disabled. Use the Configure Partition Links task to create a HiperSockets partition link.
  • – Delete Hipersockets Adapter
This icon shows a trash can HMC

Use the Delete Hipersockets Adapter task to delete only one selected HiperSockets adapter.

Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, this task is disabled. Use the Configure Partition Links task to delete a HiperSockets partition link.
  • – Export WWPNs
This icon shows an arrow pointing down to a tray HMC

Use the Export WWPNs task to export the world wide port names (WWPNs) of the host bus adapters for one or more partitions.

  • – Reassign Channel Path IDs
This icon shows a folder HMC

Use the Reassign Channel Path IDs task to change the channel path IDs that are assigned to DPM adapters.

Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, although other HiperSockets functions (create, edit, delete) in the Manage Adapters task are disabled, you can continue to use this task to reassign the channel path identifier (CHPID) of the HiperSockets adapter for a HiperSockets partition link.
  • – Reassign Devices
This icon shows an arrow starting on the right and curving to the left HMC

Use the Reassign Devices task to change the adapter, port, or switch for one or more devices.

Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, this task is disabled for HiperSockets adapters. Use the Configure Partition Links task to reassign the devices that are associated with a HiperSockets partition link.
Manage Processor Sharing This icon shows a processor chip HMC

Use the Manage Processor Sharing task to set processor weights, weight capping, and absolute capping for partitions with shared processors. You can also use this task to define one or more groups of partitions to set absolute capping limits.

Monitor tab under the Systems Management node This icons shows an open eye  

Use the Monitor tab to view the overall system monitoring data for the various components that make up a DPM-enabled system.

Monitor System Events This icon shows a checklist HMC

Use the Monitor System Events task to create and manage event monitors. An event monitor listens for events from managed objects, such as partitions, adapters, and other system resources or states. When an event is received, the monitor tests it with user defined time and text filters. If the event passes the tests, the monitor enables email to be sent to interested users.

New Partition This icon shows three partitions superimposed over a mainframe HMC

Use the New Partition task to create a new partition on an DPM system. The New Partition task offers two modes through which you can create a partition: basic and advanced. For a comparison of the two modes and the implications of switching between them, see Selecting which New Partition task mode to use.

Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, you cannot create and manage network interface cards (NICs) for a HiperSockets adapter in the Network section of this task. Instead, use the Configure Partition Links task to attach a HiperSockets partition link to your partition, and review the default NIC and devices that are created for it.
Operating System Messages This icon shows a message pad HMC

Use the Operating System Messages task as an operating system console while the operating system or hypervisor in a partition is being initialized. To do so, the operating system or hypervisor must support console integration, which is an HMC facility.

Partition Details This icon shows a wheel cog Both (view-only mode on SE)

Use the Partition Details task to view or modify an existing definition for a specific partition on an DPM system. Note that you cannot change the partition type through the Partition Details task.

Note: Starting with DPM R5.2, you cannot create and manage network interface cards (NICs) for a HiperSockets adapter in the Network section of this task. Instead, use the Configure Partition Links task to attach a HiperSockets partition link to your partition, and review the default NIC and devices that are created for it.
Start This icons shows a play button Both

Use the Start task to start a single DPM-enabled system, or to start one or more partitions on a DPM-enabled system.

Stop This icon shows a stop button Both

Use the Stop task to stop a single DPM-enabled system, or to stop one or more partitions on a DPM-enabled system.

System Details This icon shows a CPU Both

Use the System Details task to view and manage properties of the selected DPM-enabled system.