JCL example of producing configuration reports

The following example shows the JCL statements to produce IOCP reports of all the Ax IOCDSs read from Support Element hard disk. Reports are sent to SYSOUT. Note that you do not need a DD statement to access an IOCDS from the Support Element hard disk.

IOCP requires SYSPRINT as the ddname for the output data set.
//IOCP5     JOB   REGION=0M,... 
In the example:
specifies the JOB statement. Code the parameters on the JOB statement that your installation requires. To determine the REGION or MEMLIMIT size, see IOCP storage requirements.
specifies the EXEC statement and the program (ICPIOCP) to run. The PARM option of REPORT=A specifies reading all the Ax IOCDSs from the Support Element hard disk to produce reports.
specifies the DD statement that defines the output data set to receive messages and reports. (Note that IOCP records contain ANSI device control characters and have a length of 133 bytes.)