Get Capacity Group Properties

The Get Capacity Group Properties operation retrieves the properties of a single capacity group.

HTTP method and URI

GET /api/cpcs/{cpc-id}/capacity-groups/{capacity-group-id}

URI variables:

Name Description
{cpc-id} Object ID of the CPC.
{capacity-group-id} Element ID of the capacity group.

Response body contents

On successful completion, an HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned and a JSON object containing the current values of the properties for the Capacity Group element object as defined in the Data model is provided as a response body. Field names and data types in the JSON object are the same as the property names and data types that are defined in the data model.


This operation retrieves the current values of the properties of the capacity group.

The URI path must designate an existing Capacity Group, and the API user must have object-access permission to the CPC object specified by the {cpc-id}. If these conditions are not met, HTTP status code 404 (Not Found) is returned.

Authorization requirements

This operation has the following authorization requirement:
  • Object-access permission to the specified CPC.

HTTP status and reason codes

On success, the HTTP status code 200 (OK) is returned and a response body with the current values for the properties of the capacity group is provided.

Otherwise, the following HTTP status codes are returned for the indicated errors. The response body is a standard error response body providing the reason code indicated and associated error message.

Table 1. Get Capacity Group Properties: HTTP status and reason codes
HTTP error status code Reason code Description
400 (Bad Request) Various Errors were detected during common request validation. See Common request validation reason codes for a list of the possible reason codes.
404 (Not Found) 1 The object ID {cpc-id} does not designate an existing CPC object, or the API user does not have object-access permission to it.
150 The capacity group identified by {capacity-group-id} does not exist.
409 (Conflict) 329 The operation cannot be performed because the CPC designated by the request URI is an unmanaged CPC, which is not supported by this operation.
503 (Service Unavailable) 1 The request could not be processed because the HMC is not currently communicating with the SE needed to perform the requested operation.

Additional standard status and reason codes can be returned, as described in Invoking API operations.

Example HTTP interaction

Figure 1. Get Capacity Group Properties: Request
GET /api/cpcs/3baea1ec-76e8-3e42-a111-815a7aee19e0/capacity-groups/1de263e4-d9fb-11e5-
   8b3e-42f2e9ef1641 HTTP/1.1
x-api-session: 487yumkfzjybynsm00a5qn7v916s8eq49krcnpfqut4n0kfv4
Figure 2. Get Capacity Group Properties: Response
200 OK
server: zSeries management console API web server / 2.0
cache-control: no-cache
date: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 07:14:23 GMT
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
content-length: 504
   "description":"Test Group for CP Procs",
   "name":"Cap group 123",