IOCP definitions

The following list defines IOCP terms to which you can refer to when defining your I/O configuration:

Access list
Defines the name of one or more logical partitions (LPs) that have the channel path or function ID (FID) configured online at LP activation after initial power-on reset of an IOCDS.
Candidate list
Defines the name of the logical partition or logical partitions that can configure the channel path or FID after LP activation.
Device candidate list
Defines the name of the logical partition or logical partitions that can access the device after LP activation.
Is an ESCON or FICON® switch that provides a control unit port (CUP), which is accessed through link address X'FE'.
ESCON channel path
IOCP defines the following channel path types (TYPE keyword) as ESCON channel paths:
  • ESCON channel (CNC)
  • ESCON channel that supports channel-to-channel communications (CTC)
  • FICON channel attached to an ESCON Director (FCV).
ESCON control unit
A control unit that attaches to CNC, CTC, or FCV channel paths (TYPE keyword). An ESCON control unit can also attach to FC channel paths.
ESCON CTC control unit
An ESCON CTC control unit is one of the following:
  • A control unit that attaches to only TYPE=CTC channel paths
  • A control unit that attaches to only TYPE=CNC or TYPE=FCV channel paths and has UNIT=SCTC coded.
FICON CTC control unit
A FICON CTC control unit is a control unit that attaches to only TYPE=FC channel paths and has UNIT=FCTC coded.
ESCON device
A device assigned to CNC, CTC, or FCV channel paths (TYPE keyword).
FICON channel path
A TYPE=FC channel path.
FICON director
A fibre channel switch that has a control unit port (CUP) and supports FC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
FICON control unit
A control unit that attaches to only FC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
FICON device
A device assigned to only FC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
Parallel channel path
IOCP defines the following channel path types (TYPE keyword) as parallel channel paths:
  • ESCON channel (CVC) that attaches to a 9034 ESCON Converter Model 1 or similar converter and operates as a block multiplexer channel.
  • ESCON channel (CBY) that attaches to a 9034 ESCON Converter Model 1 or similar converter and operates as a byte multiplexer channel.
Parallel control unit
A control unit that attaches to CBY or CVC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
Parallel device
A device assigned to CBY or CVC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
Spanned channel path
IOCP defines a spanned channel path as a channel path that can be accessed by LPs in more than one logical channel subsystem (CSS) at the same time. To define a spanned channel path, specify more than one CSS ID in the CSS parameter of the PATH keyword on the CHPID statement. A spanned channel path is also a shared channel path.
Shared channel path
IOCP defines a shared channel path as a channel path that can be accessed by more than one LP in the same logical channel subsystem (CSS) at the same time. To define a shared channel path, do one of the following actions:
  • Specify the SHARED, NOTPART, or IOCLUSTER keyword on the CHPID statement
  • Specify more than one logical partition in the access list of the PARTITION keyword on the CHPID statement.
  • Define the channel path as spanned by specifying more than one CSS ID in the CSS parameter of the PATH keyword on the CHPID statement.
Reconfigurable channel path
IOCP defines a reconfigurable channel path as an unshared channel path that can be dynamically moved between logical partitions. To define a reconfigurable channel path, specify the REC parameter in the PARTITION keyword on the CHPID statement.
Dedicated channel path
IOCP defines a dedicated channel path as a channel path that can be accessed by only one logical partition and cannot be moved between logical partitions. A dedicated channel path is unshared and non-reconfigurable. To define a dedicated channel path, do not specify SHARED, NOTPART, or REC in the CHPID statement and do one of the following actions:
  • Specify a single logical partition in the access list of the PARTITION keyword in the CHPID statement
  • Specify a null access list and a single logical partition in the candidate list of the PARTITION keyword in the CHPID statement.