IOCP definitions
The following list defines IOCP terms to which you can refer to when defining your I/O configuration:
- Access list
- Defines the name of one or more logical partitions (LPs) that have the channel path or function ID (FID) configured online at LP activation after initial power-on reset of an IOCDS.
- Candidate list
- Defines the name of the logical partition or logical partitions that can configure the channel path or FID after LP activation.
- Device candidate list
- Defines the name of the logical partition or logical partitions that can access the device after LP activation.
- Director
- Is an ESCON or FICON® switch that provides a control unit port (CUP), which is accessed through link address X'FE'.
- ESCON channel path
- IOCP defines the following channel path types (TYPE keyword) as ESCON channel paths:
- ESCON control unit
- A control unit that attaches to CNC, CTC, or FCV channel paths (TYPE keyword). An ESCON control unit can also attach to FC channel paths.
- ESCON CTC control unit
- An ESCON CTC control unit
is one of the following:
- FICON CTC control unit
- A FICON CTC control unit is a control unit that attaches to only TYPE=FC channel paths and has UNIT=FCTC coded.
- ESCON device
- A device assigned to CNC, CTC, or FCV channel paths (TYPE keyword).
- FICON channel path
- A TYPE=FC channel path.
- FICON director
- A fibre channel switch that has a control unit port (CUP) and supports FC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
- FICON control unit
- A control unit that attaches to only FC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
- FICON device
- A device assigned to only FC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
- Parallel channel path
- IOCP defines the following channel path types (TYPE keyword) as
parallel channel paths:
- Parallel control unit
- A control unit that attaches to CBY or CVC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
- Parallel device
- A device assigned to CBY or CVC channel paths (TYPE keyword).
- Spanned channel path
- IOCP defines a spanned channel path as a channel path that can be accessed by LPs in more than one logical channel subsystem (CSS) at the same time. To define a spanned channel path, specify more than one CSS ID in the CSS parameter of the PATH keyword on the CHPID statement. A spanned channel path is also a shared channel path.
- Shared channel path
- IOCP defines a shared channel path as a channel path that can
be accessed by more than one LP in the same logical channel subsystem
(CSS) at the same time. To define a shared channel path, do one
of the following actions:
- Reconfigurable channel path
- IOCP defines a reconfigurable channel path as an unshared channel path that can be dynamically moved between logical partitions. To define a reconfigurable channel path, specify the REC parameter in the PARTITION keyword on the CHPID statement.
- Dedicated channel path
- IOCP defines a dedicated channel path as a channel path that can
be accessed by only one logical partition and cannot be moved between
logical partitions. A dedicated channel path is unshared and non-reconfigurable.
To define a dedicated channel path, do not specify SHARED, NOTPART,
or REC in the CHPID statement and do one of the following actions: