Asynchronous notification support
The Web Services API asynchronous notification facility provides a means for which client applications can subscribe to and receive notification messages regarding a set of predefined management events. Starting with version 2.16.0 (with the suitable MCL bundle) of the Support Element console the Web Services API asynchronous notification facility has been expanded to support registering for and receiving notifications over the BCPii interface. [Added by feature bcpii-notifications]
Notification messages:
Notification messages from BCPii will include the characteristics, properties and bodies outlined in Notification message formats. Each message is represented as a JSON object containing the following fields and values:
Field name | Type | Description |
headers | Object | A nested object that contains the following:
body | Object | A nested object containing the body of the notification message as documented in Notification message formats for the specific type of notification being received |
1BCPii exclusive property |
In addition to the formats documented in Notification message formats several other formats exist that are exclusive to BCPii. These are as follows:
Console Starting notification:
A Console Starting notification is emitted by the API to report that the console application has started. This will always be the first notification sent once communications are re-established after a reboot cycle.
In addition to the common message properties and characteristics, the following additional message property is provided for this type of notification:
Message property name | Description |
notification-type | Contains the value "console-starting". |
The body of a Console Starting notification message is a JSON representation of an object that contains the following field and value:
Field name | Type | Description |
console-type | String Enum | The type of console:
Console Heartbeat notification:
A Console Heartbeat notification is emitted by the API to indicate normal operation at regular 2-minute intervals.
In addition to the common message properties and characteristics, the following additional message property is provided for this type of notification:
Message property name | Description |
notification-type | Contains the value "console-heartbeat". |
The body of a Console Heartbeat notification message is always null.
Operating System Message notification:
The format of an Operating System Message notification will be as described in the Notification message formats section with one notable exception. The "message-text" field of the body's nested os-message-info object may need to be broken up due to size constraints and arrive across multiple messages. If this is the case all other characteristics, properties, and body fields will remain consistent between the messages, and the "os-messages" field array will only contain the single os-message-info object. The value of each "message-text" can be concatenated in the order of arrival to construct the original message text, split messages will always arrive consecutively.
Notification Registration:
Notification registration is handled by a set of REST operations that are made available exclusively for the BCPii interface. These requests can target the local SE or any other SE that is reachable.