The Manual Mapping view

After hardware resolution is complete, there are no red-circled Xs in either the Hardware Resolution or Channel Type Summary panes of the Hardware Resolution view. Manual Mapping then becomes available. Figure 1 shows Manual Mapping available in the bar of buttons in the top of the tool.

Figure 1. Manual Mapping available
This picture shows Manual Mapping available.
You can either click Manual Mapping (by default the third button from the left) or click the arrow beside Manual Mapping. Clicking the arrow displays two choices, which represent two different workflow formats. Figure 2 shows these choices.
Figure 2. Manual Mapping button in group
This picture shows the choices under Manual Mapping.

The Hardware ->I/O format conceptualizes the workflow from the hardware point of view. After you select a hardware port, the tool filters the list of available CHPIDs based on your choice; then and you select the CHPID or CHPIDs. Alternately, the I/O -> Hardware format allows you to select a particular CHPID; the tool filters the hardware, and you select the location to assign to the CHPID.

Clicking Manual Mapping has the same effect as clicking Manual Mapping > Hardware -> I/O.