API features

Beginning with API version 4.10, logically related API changes and additions are grouped into API features and assigned a name. Rather than use the API version and SE version and MCL level to determine if certain API functionality is available, API clients must use the List Console API Features and List CPC API Features operations. Those operations return a list of the API features that are available on the HMC and SE, respectively. Some feature implementations may be entirely contained on the HMC or on the SE, while others involve both. Because of that, some feature names will only be returned for the Console or the CPC while others will be returned for both. API features whose implementation involves both will not be fully available to API clients unless both the HMC and the relevant CPC report that the feature is available.

An API feature may include new or changed:

  • properties in object data models
  • operations
  • notification messages
  • metric groups
  • inventory categories and classes
  • other aspects of the API visible to API users

The following are the feature names that may be returned in the response body of the List Console API Features and List CPC API Features operations.

Table 1. API Features
Name Description Console CPC
adapter-network-information List Permitted Adapters on the SE with network-port additional-properties
bcpii-notifications Support for receiving Asynchronous Notifications via BCPii v2  
cpc-delete-retrieved-internal-code Delete retrieved CPC MCLs that are not installed. Perform retrieval from FTP server in CPC Single Step Install.
cpc-install-and-activate Support to install and activate CPC MCLs
create-delete-activation-profiles Support for creating and deleting activation profiles
dpm-ctc-partition-link-management DPM Support of FICON Channel to Channel interconnect technology (CTC) Partition Links
dpm-hipersockets-partition-link-management DPM Support of Hipersockets Partition Links
dpm-smcd-partition-link-management DPM Support of SMC-D Partition Links
environmental-metrics Query system and partition environmental metrics
hmc-delete-retrieved-internal-code Delete retrieved HMC MCLs that are not installed. Perform retrieval from FTP server in Console Single Step Install.  
ldap-direct-authentication Support for direct authentication when accessing user and group membership information on an LDAP server  
mobile-enhanced-push Allow enabling enhanced push notifications for HMC Mobile in HMC Mobile Settings
oem-hmc-ids Numeric IDs for OEM HMCs
pmg-child-management-permission Allow child management permission to Pattern Match Groups
rc-409-15 New common HTTP status 409 with reason code 15
rcl-history Support for tracking of Remote Code Load history
rcl-progress Support for determinate progress of Remote Code Loads
remote-firmware-update-rc404-4 HTTP status 404 with reason code 4 for operations handling remote firmware updates on a CPC.  
report-a-problem Support for reporting Console and CPC problems
secure-boot-with-certificates Support for z/OS and Linux validated boot including secure boot capability available for IPL from ECKD DASD with user-provided signature validation keys
secure-execution-key-management Support for importing Secure Execution key bundles and deleting secondary keys
switch-support-elements Support for switching the Primary Support Element and the Alternate Support Element

Each place in this document changed by a feature will indicate which API feature made the change. Changes or additions made by a given feature are indicated with the following text:

  • For additions: [Added by feature feature-name]
  • For changes: [Updated by feature feature-name]