MC4J side

You can use the instructions provided here to work with MC4J side.

  1. Download and install MC4J from
  2. Start the Connect to server … wizard
    Panel Name Wizard, 1 of 4
  3. Enter SDI in Name field.
  4. In the Server URL text box paste the JMX connection URL dumped by the IBM® Security Directory Integrator server on startup.
    Note: If IBM Security Directory Integrator and MC4J are on different machines replace localhost with the IBM Security Directory Integrator machine IP address.
  5. Select Next.
    Panel Name Wizard, 3 of 4
  6. In the Custom classpath and server libraries list, add all JAR files from the <TDI_install_dir>\jars\common folder.
  7. Add these three jars as well:
    • <TDI_home>\jars\3rdparty\others\log4j-1.2.15.jar
    • <TDI_home>\jars\3rdparty\IBM\icu4j_4_2.jar
    • <TDI_home>\jars\3rdparty\IBM\ITLMToolkit.jar
    • Select Finish.
Now MC4J is connected to the IBM Security Directory Integrator server.
MC4J screen, showing the MC4J connection to the Server.