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Command Line Reference

You can know more the usage of Command Line Reference using the information provided here.

The command has the following usage:

tdisrvctl [general_options] –op operation [operation_specific_options]

where general_options can be:

-h host Enter the remote server IP address or hostname (default is localhost).
-K keystore Enter the name of the SSL key database file.
-p port Enter the port number (default is 1099).
-P key_pwd Enter the key file password.
-s Specifiy the working directory where the solution directory is located.
-T truststore Enter the name of the SSL truststore database file.
-u userID Enter the username (for custom authentication).
-v Run in verbose mode.
-w user_pwd Enter the user password (for custom authentication).
-W trust_pwd Enter the trust file password.
-? Display command usage.

And operation can be:

event Send custom notification events
prop Manage Config properties
queryop Query for AssemblyLine (AL) operations
reload Reload running Configs
report Generate Config report or list Configs on remote server
shutdown Shut down the server
srvinfo View IBM® Security Verify Directory Integrator server information
status View status of Configs or ALs
start Start specific Config or ALs
stop Stop specific Config or ALs
tombstone View tombstone entries for specific Config or AL.
deletetombstone delete a tombstone entry
debug debug components of a running AssemblyLine

You can display help for any particular option like this:

tdisrvctl –op operation -?
  • Operations
    You can refer to the list of operations provided here.