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Starting an AssemblyLine with operations

AssemblyLines can be defined with Operations; a concept whereby a number of Input Maps are defined for the AssemblyLine. Depending on how the AssemblyLine is invoked, a different Input Map is activated. Inside the AssemblyLine you will need to check the op-entry to find out which operation is active, and use Branch Components to tailor the flow inside the AssemblyLine to the relevant operation.

One of the ways to start an AssemblyLine with an Operation is by means of a TCB, and script code.

If an AssemblyLine named "al1" has the following operations: "Default", "Op1" and "Op2", then this script will start the AL with operation set to "Op1":

var tcb = system.newTCB("al1");

Not specifying any operation will start the AL with operation set to "Default":

var tcb = system.newTCB("al1"); 

In case the AL doesn't have a Default operation (for example, only "Op1" and "Op2" operations) the second script will throw an exception.

More information about the AssemblyLine Operations concept is available in the section entitled "Creating new components using Adapters" in Reference.